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"Kinsely!" I spoke loudly, making her jump.

"Did you spill this cereal?" She looked at it.

"No mama."

"Well who spilled it then?" I asked, my hands on my hips. She looked over at August and pointed at him. I walked over to him and popped his exposed stomach. He jumped up from his slumber.

"Why you hitting a nigga?"

"Why you spilling cereal and shit?"

"I didn't spill no damn cereal."

"I know, Kinsely did."

"So why you hitting me!?"

"Cause I asked you to watch her while I got ready."

"Sorry, I nodded off."

"Yeah, I see that. Get up and get ready. We needa be there by 4:30." I rolled my eyes and walked off to clean up my child's mess.

"Move" I said as she attempted to help me pick them up. I started to pop her for making a mess and lying with a straight face but I just let it go.

"Come here Kin Kin, let me get you dressed." Aug called out for her.

"Bye mama." She said, running to her daddy.

"Shut up." I mumbled, throwing the spilled cereal in the trash.

"And how bout hurry up." I said as I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked damn good.

I was having a rehearsal dinner, but my way

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I was having a rehearsal dinner, but my way. Usually, people rehearse the entire wedding with the whole wedding party, and then have the dinner. Since I only had Olivia as a maid of honor and my mama walking me down the isle, it didn't have to be all that. Most of the guests were Aug's family and Chris was his best man. Real small, real light.

"You ready?" He asked, walking in on my 500th picture. I pulled him and Kins in one so I could post it.

"Now i'm ready." He looked me over and complimented me, telling me I looked beautiful. Chris and Liv might be babysitting tonight.



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