Episode 4 - An Unusual Invite

Start from the beginning

Lisa: "Y/n...!"
I heard Lisa's voice down the other corridor.
He was distracted and turned to the direction of the voice. I swiftly forced one of his hand out of the way and ran off towards her.

Lisa: "Yaaah! What's wrong?"
She yelled seeing me run towards her. I clasped her wrist and pulled her as I ran.
Lisa: "Yah y/n ah... what happened? You look like you've seen a ghost."
She yelled again trotting behind me.
We both stopped in front of the library door to catch out breath.
Lisa: "What happened?!"
She asked panting as she rested her arms on her bent knees.
Y/n: "He won't leave me alone. He keeps coming in my way..."
I replied taking deep breaths and pushing through the library door.
Lisa: "What happened?"
She questioned curiously walking behind me.
Y/n: "I don't get him. He was doing it with some girl in the toilets yesterday. Today, it's like nothing happened. Why is he keep coming in my way?! Isn't all the attention he gets from them other girls enough?!..."
I blabbered in frustration.
Lisa: "Really? He was in the toilets with someone?"
Y/n: "Yes, I heard him, and that ...whatever! Never mind. I don't care! But he really needs to stop intimidating me...or I'm making a complaint..."
She laughed hysterically after hearing my senseless prattle.

"This is a library young ladies! Keep the noise down."
The librarian warned both of us peering through her glasses.

Y/n: "Sorry..."
I apologised and we both bowed.
Lisa: "You are gonna make a complaint?"
She whispered, giggling.
I looked at her in annoyance and sighed after dropping the books in the returns box.
Y/n: "No...uhhhh!"
I huffed looking up and closing my eyes.
Y/n: "I don't like this Lisa. It's bothering me. I just wanna run away from all of this. I'm always anxious that I might see him or bump into him, and when I do he doesn't seem to ignore me either. Now, he's actually doing all of this on purpose..."
I winged looking through book shelf for more books for my essay.
Lisa: "Do you like him?"
She calmly questioned me.
I stopped looking through the books and dropped my arms.
I stood for a few seconds, quietly looking down.
Y/n: "Maybe...I know what I'm doing and I don't want to do it. I wanna stop myself before I make a fool of myself."
Lisa: "So you do like him.."
She whispered leaning closer.
Y/n: "Uh! If I had seen him for the first time when he punched that guy, I would have hated him. But why did I have to see him before that? Why did he have to come running to check if I was ok? He should have just driven off. Then I wouldn't have seen him and everything would've been fine...And why the hell has he got my ring on?! It's a girl's ring, it looks so uncool on him! It's almost like it's all...Ah!  I don't want all of this, And I just wanna run away. But I only seem to fall deeper and deeper...My mind says one thing and my heart is just fighting against it...."
I covered my face in both of my hands.

Lisa: "Hey... hey...calm down. You are thinking too much about this..."
She alerted holding my shoulder.
Y/n: "I know..."
I took a deep breath and uncovering my face.
Y/n: "From now on I won't talk about this, if I do, slap me."
She slapped my arm before I even finished my words.
Y/n: "Ow...you are quick"
I looked at her in pain drooping my lips.
Lisa: "What?! You asked for it. It starts now."
She laughed making me laugh as well as we looked through the books.

I hurriedly copied down the last part of the notes on the screen from the lecture. 
Lisa: "Still not done?"
She asked putting her coat on and picking up her bag.
Y/n: "Nearly..."
I finished writing and closed my pen.
It was just me and Lisa in the classroom and everyone else had already left.
I put my things into the bag and walked behind her. She walked out of the classroom and I was about to step out. But Jungkook suddenly appeared and blocked the doorway, making me stumble backward. He stood leaning against the doorway in his black leather jacket, grey t-shirt and black ripped jeans.
Lisa was also puzzled and stood still outside in the classroom.
I gave him a quick look and tried to walk out again.
He gripped my arm just above the elbow and pulled me back in.
Jk: "I wanna to talk to you..."
He stated blankly, keeping his hold.
What does he wanna talk about all of a sudden...? My mind wondered. He turned and looked at Lisa hinting her to leave. She smiled and reluctantly turned to leave.
Y/n: "Lisa stay..."
I shouted hiding my nervousness.
He glared at me menacingly and snickered.
Jk: "Well then, I might as well speak to your friend."
He turned and looked at her while I wriggled trying to release my arm.
Jk: "I'm throwing a party Tomorrow night, you should come...I think your boyfriend's coming
Lisa: "Really?"
She exclaimed in excitement.
Jk: "Yeh..."
He turned and looked at me with a smirk.
Jk: "When you come make sure you bring this friend of yours. I would like to get to know her a little better."
Lisa: "Yeh, sure."
She happily agreed.
Jk: "Also tell you friend I said she looks cute in skirts."
He spoke a calmly with his mischievous smile and let go of my arm. Looking away, I snatched my arm from him and pulled  my skirt down. I could still feel the mild pain from his tight grip.

He looked at me for a second and walked away.
Lisa smiled at him and waved.
Lisa: "Thank you Sunbae, we'll see you tomorrow..."
I stood still without moving away from my spot. I just wanted him to disappear before I step out. Lisa ran in gleefully clapping her hands.
Lisa: "See I told you he's ok. This is why we should keep them friendly. Ahhh...I can't wait to go. It's gonna be fun and you have to wear that dress I bought for your 18th birthday. Mind you though, he sounded like he wants you to wear a skirt."
She winked and giggled.
Y/n: "Who is he to tell me what to wear? And who said I'm going?"
I muttered as I walked out.
Lisa: "What?! He came to invite YOU. He never does that to other girls. You have to come..."
She whined holding my arm and walking beside me.
Y/n: "I don't wanna go Lisa, I feel like I should avoid this. You go.".
I looked at her with a short smile.
Lisa: "Nooo, please...just this one time you have to come. Also you don't have to hang around with him, there will be loads of other people. You can be with them. Don't mind him..."
She tried to convince me.
I looked at her and shook my head refusing it.
Lisa: "Awww... if you don't come, I won't talk to youuuuu...pleassssseee"
She begged wrapping her arms around me. I didn't say anything.
Lisa: "Say yes..."
She begged pushing all her weight on me.
Y/n: "Ahhhh.. stop. I can't walk..."
I complained.
Lisa: "Then say yes..."
I stopped walking and exhaled in exhaustion...
Y/n: "Ok...fine.."
I agreed as I had no other choice.
Lisa: "So you'll come?"
Y/n: "Yes..."
Lisa: "Yey!!!!"
She jumped in joy and hugged me again tightly in excitement.

I adjusted my black dress on my shoulder and swept my hair forward onto my shoulders. With a deep breath grabbed my small black handbag and dropped the house key and a pack of tissue in it. I looked at my phone which had a shattered screen. I pressed the button, thinking somehow it would have fixed it self. No, it just lit up with few white lines and switched off after few seconds.
"Great! What's the point in taking this?!"
I sighed, leaving it in the table.
I already told uncle that I was going out with Lisa and he was ok with it.
I stepped out my room with a deep breath.

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