Wondering who i am

439 23 1

Cross's POV

You know, I kinda felt flashbacks, at all skeleton that I don't know appeared in my head...

Well I do know, my names Cross. And I don't know my parents, and... geez this is really hard to sum it all up.


Why do I feel like...

I died?

Crazy I know! 'What are you talking about?' I feel really crazy of how I'm thinking about this and why... but I feel like I died a while ago, and I'm alive again

Or maybeeee I'm just a crazy person with no brain cells, do I even have a brain?!


Cross facepalmed as he looked down. "This is confusing." He said to himself.

"Is what?" Cross looked up to see a red scarfed skeleton in front of him, glitches fading in his eyesocket. "Oh hi...?" Cross greeted. He looked down as he then sweatdropped.

"Ummm are you okay??" The skeleton asked.

"I-I'm fine... what's your name?" Cross asked.

"Geno. You?"

"Cross, nice to meet you." Said Cross as Geno rolled his pupils. "Take my hand." Geno asked.


"Just do it!" -_-

"Ok!" Cross took Geno's Hand as he got lifted up from the ground.

"Anyways, do you have a home to stay at Cross?" Geno asked shoving his hands in his pockets.

Pitiful as it is, Cross shook his head.

"Right... since I heard from Dream, your staying at my place since he begged me to."


"I already knew either way." (°∀°)b


[no pictures today, lazy author-Chan here]

Regrets(Sanscest story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz