Chapter 7. The Nether

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"Pick your group!" He yelled. Tango, Impulse, and Zed were one group. Doc, Scar, Ren, and Cub were another. The groups went on: Wels, Python, and Jevin. Mumbo, Iskall, and Grian. Xisuma, Keralis, and Bdubs, ect. ect.

"Xisuma!" A voice yelled before we could even start moving. We turned around, and saw someone who we never thought we'd see again.

Xisuma put a hand to his mouth, choking on a sob. The other person held their arms out, as if they expected a hug.

Xisuma and EX ran towards each other. They hugged tightly, both shedding a few tears. Xanthus was wearing what we buried him with: a new set of his normal armor, but there was a bit more iron and diamond in it. His helmet was off and his hair was tied back, tight and high.

Another arrow was shot, causing everyone to flinch. The two Void Twins pulled away, looking around.

"I'm coming with you." Xanthus declared.

"What? Why? You'll get hurt!" Xisuma said.

"Let's be honest, brother. I know this place better than yo-" Xanthus suddenly pushed Xisuma away, taking an arrow for him. He pulled it out like it was nothing, grinning at his brother's horrified face.

"Remember, I'm already dead. I don't feel any pain because that's what you feel in life. Sucks to be you, you guys will still feel pain, as will the other demons here." Xisuma smiled, shaking his head. Dead, but still likes to taunt everyone. Xisuma also knew nothing could change his brother's decision.

"Alright, come on then. We have to get going." I say.

"False is right. Now is a good time to go. Remember, don't die or get caught." Stress said, taking a sword out once again. We splitted, Xanthus going with his brother. Stress, Cleo, and I went together, going into door on the side of the fort. We snuck around, checking every corner before going down it.

"Halt! You have been caught! Drop your weapons and surrender peacefully!" I hear a voice say. I slowly turn around, looking at the demon. He held a simple iron sword at us. I roll my eyes, and sweep kick, making him fall to the ground. I bend down and hit him with the butt of my sword, knocking him out. With Stress' help, we move him into an empty room.

"It's still clear. No one else is around." Cleo said. We hastily made our way down the hall. We turned the corner, flinching when we saw other people. It was only the ZIT team.

"God, you scared me." Impulse said, putting a hand over his heart. I chuckled, still moving. We went the other way in the four way hall.

"Wait," Tango said, stopping all six of us. "There are many demons there. That might be where the person is, or where the control center is."

"Are you suggesting we go in there and take our chances? Because we may not make it out alive."

"Yes. It's about 18 of them. Each of us only have to take three out and we'll be fine." I sighed.

"Fine, we'll do it, but if we die, I'm going to kill you." I say, kicking the door open. All the demons turned to us, baring their teeth. Tango sent a blast at them, knocking at of them off of their feet. I sliced through three of them with on swipe, killing them before they could kill me. Stress got knocked back, but kicked back and struck, killing two. Impulse and Zed killed 6 of them together. Tango threw the rest of the seven against the wall. Four poofed away, and three fell to the ground.

"T-Tango? Is that you?" One of the demons stuttered. Tango narrowed his eyes. I stepped behind Stress, slipping a splash potion of healing in her hand. It would damage the demons and heal us.

"Who are you?" Tango asked. Two of the other demons tried to attack, but Tango threw them to the ground with his magic. The only demons in the room were Tango and the other one.

"I'm Foxtrot... you don't remember me?" The demon said. He held his hands up in surrender. His eyes weren't glowing like normal, and his black hair was disheveled.

"F-Foxtrot?" He said, tilting his head. I felt my eyebrows furrow.

"Tango, now's not the time. We have to go." Impulse said, anxiously looking at the door.

"You're looking for him, aren't you?" Foxtrot said. Tango nodded. Foxtrot took papers out of his pocket and handed it to him. From what I could see, it was a map and plans.

"I'm still the same, Tango. We missed you when you were kicked." Foxtrot said, slowly standing up. Zed and Impulse backed up, not trusting the demon.

"Same, Fox." Tango replied, tucking the papers in his vest.

"Here... shoot me in the arm. They'll know I betrayed them if I'm not injured."

"Fox, I can't do that."

"I'll do it." Impulse said, shooting him in the leg with an arrow. Foxtrot grasped his leg in pain as Tango turned to Impulse with a 'really?' expression.

"That wasn't his arm." He turned to the other demon. "Sorry. My friends are violent."

"I'll show you violent if we don't get out of here now, Tango." I threaten, pushing him towards the door. I heard shuffling from the hall, and so did Tango. He sighed, casually pushing the door open.

"Hi, boys." He said, before grabbing one and throwing them into another demon. He was punched in the face, and retaliated by kicking the other in the stomach.

I was suddenly pulled back by Stress. Impulse, Zed, Cleo, and Stress didn't want to interfere since Tango seemed to be handling it well.

Tango threw one into the wall, after getting cut across the chest with a sword. It poofed away, dead. The hall was littered with droppings. Tango stood there, wiping sweat and blood off of his face. He grinned at us, beckoning us out into the hall. We grabbed the most important items in the pile of items. He's scary and powerful in the Nether, that's for sure.

"Guys," Cleo started, before we parted ways. The ZIT team turned to us. "Don't die or get caught." They nodded, and we separated, going down the halls different ways. I took a deep breath, and started running quietly down the hall with the other two girls following me.

No, we will not get killed today.

(1755 words)

(A/N: Tango is the word for T in the army alphabet. I got Foxtrot because it represents F and is another type of dance.)

[✔] A Forgotten's Uprise (Sequel to TWD)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن