Chapter 9

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Don't you ever talk to me like that

Vic's words had been on my mind since he hit me two days ago. Okay, maybe it was a bit harsh to say he disgusted me, but he fucking killed his boss for God's sake. What the fuck was I supposed to say? "Oh, Vic, you poor thing, I completely understand you, I would have done the same thing"? I don't think so.

I haven't talked to him since then. He tried to apologize for slapping me, but I was annoyed with his behaviour so I just ignored him. It's not that the slap hurt me, no, it was the fact that I was naive enough to think he wouldn't hurt me after the night he burned his skin with the lighter. I simply thought that when he harmed himself instead of me that he was maybe showing some kind of amity or even affection towards me. That's what pained me the most, to realize how wrong I actually was.

On the other hand, it was for the best. Can you actually imagine me being friends with a serial killer? Hilarious, I know. What would we even do for fun? Probably plot murders...yeah, totally sounds like fun.

I saw the basement door open and immediately rolled my eyes as I noticed Vic walking down the stairs. I folded my arms over my chest and put on my annoyed face, acting like the stubborn little shit that I think I am.

"Hey there." He greeted me with a happy smile on his face. I, of course, wasn't going to answer him. He let out a sigh. "Still not talking to me?" He asked, receiving nothing but silence from my side.

"I don't get it, Kells." He started, gaining my attention. He took my hand in his, surprising me. "I've apologized to you multiple times, yet you still won't talk to me. I'm sorry okay? I'm so, so sorry." He said. To be honest, he really did look like he regretted hitting me. I was staring at him and he was looking back at me, but none of us said anything. I felt my heart beating faster as he brushed his thumb over my knuckles softly.

"What can I do to make it better?" He questioned. I wanted to answer him, I really did, but it was like I couldn't get the words out of my mouth. But apparently, I didn't need to, because Vic's face suddenly lit up and he stood up, letting go of my hand.

"I got it." He announced. "I'm going to unchain your legs and we can spend the day together." He sounded so proud of himself. I, on the other hand, had no idea why would he unchain me, we can spend the day together in here even if I'm chained.

He took the chains off of my legs, letting them fall to the ground. He then came closer to me and began helping me get up? What the hell, I thought we were going to hang out in the basement. I stayed silent, though I had no idea what was he going to do. He supported me as I stood up. Wrapping one arm around my waist, he helped me walk up the stairs as I secured my arm around his neck. It really was hard attempting to walk after those weeks that I've been laying on the bed, almost unable to move my legs.

We made it upstairs and at first I was blinded by the bright lights coming from the windows, but my eyes soon adjusted to the brightness. I looked around, we were standing in a hall, to my left was front door and to my right a living room.

"Would you like to have a bath first?" Vic asked me. I didn't even hesitate before I nodded quickly. I haven't showered since I got here, I'm not sure how Vic can stand being this close to me, I must stink horribly. He chuckled at me and led me over to a set of stairs. We walked them up and soon enough we were stepping into a bedroom. I wonder if it-

"This is my bedroom." Vic stated. I looked around, noticing that it looked completely normal. I was expecting weapons hanging all over the walls along with ropes, chains and some torturous stuff. He had a huge bed with two bedside tables and there was also a lot of clothes thrown all over the floor. I could see two doors, Vic led me over to one of them and as we walked in, I noticed that it was a bathroom.

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