Love is doodling on the other's sleeping face with poop.

Love is calling each other idiots.

Love is those simple good morning texts.

Love is holding each other's hands when no one is watching.

Love is putting silly nicknames in their phones.

Love is that one unplanned date after winning a football match.

Love is kissing under the moonlight during their date.

Love is fighting one of Thailand's richest man to let him know how shitty he is as a father.

Love is being able to be completely follow that stupid one-kiss-a-day rule.

Love is that feeling of peace and warmth when they are together.

Love is personified in the form of an Ice Prince, an IC bastard.

Love is Tin Medthanan.


"You're awake early."

Can stopped brushing Gucci's head to look at the open door where his mother stood with a soft smile.

"I was so desperate to pee and I can't sleep back," Can lied with a convincing pout.

Ms. Kirakorn chuckled. "Did you drink a lot of water last night?"

"I think so." Can shrugged. "I always keep myself hydrated."

"Can you take Gucci to the vet after eating breakfast?"

Gucci barked at the mention of his name which made the both of them smile fondly.

"Okay, mom," he said with a thumbs up. "You should hurry make breakfast. I am hungry na na na!"

Ms. Kirakorn just nodded, already used to Can asking for food.

Can, on the other hand, ushered Gucci inside to follow his mother inside the kitchen to watch her cook their breakfast.

They might be poor but they are able to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner which to be honest is all that matters.

He watched his mom silently as he contemplated whether to talk to her or not.

"Is something on your mind lately?" Ms. Kirakorn asked, interrupting Can's train of thoughts.


Ms. Kirakorn hummed in response, not pushing Can to talk.

Looking at his mother's back, there is something reassuring about it that brings Can comfort and warmth.


His heart started beating faster.

He knows his mother will accept him no matter what but why is he hesitating?

"I like guys."

Ms. Kirakorn stopped her movements for awhile before looking at her son with a gentle smile, pride shining in her eyes.

"Thank you," she said. "Thank you for telling me."

Can cannot explain the overwhelming feeling he felt as he looked at his mother's accepting smile and eyes that poured him love.

He laughed as he subtly wiped the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes. "Although, um, I don't know if I really like guys in general."

He fiddled with his fingers. A huge weight has finally been lifted as soon as he started being honest with his mother.

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