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C O N T I N U I N G . . .


     IF SOMEONE HAD told Valentina that she'd be alone in a dark room with Taehyung, their hands tied together, she'd have laughed at their face, because the thought is so absurd to her, it's comical.

The irony is that's exactly what's happening right now. She really is alone with Taehyung in a dark room, their hands tied together, and nothing about the situation is remotely funny.

An hour ago. . .

Taehyung and Valentina walk out of that norebang to find the street busier than before. Valentina had called police from the phone that she borrowed from the guy behind the counter before she had exited. Good thing was the guy was way too startled upon seeing a beaten up guy to protest.

They successfully avoid getting hit by the group of teenager who are excitedly making their way into the karaoke house. They walk side by side in silence.

Many questions are running though Valentina's mind. Like, what was the thing that Taehyung was supposed to give in return of whatever he got from that creep? How did the creep even get out of jail? Why did Taehyung beat the absolute shit out of him?

She discreetly turns her head to glance at Taehyung. He's looking ahead, a thoughtful expression on his face. If this was any other occasion, Valentina would've been happy to be seen with such gorgeous human walking next to her. Hell, she'd be happy to be seen with any of those guys. Their genes did them really, really good.

She doesn't realise she's been staring at Taehyung while she's zoned out when someone collides with her, almost knocking the breath out of her. She falls on her butt and pain shoots through her spine on the impact.

Taehyung immediately stops walking and gives her a hand to help her stand up. Valentina gratefully accepts the help and stands up. She pats her butt to clean her jeans.

"Are you okay?" A guy asks.

Valentina looks to her right to see a guy who looks around Jungkook's age. He was the one who collided with her. His face is so innocent that any scolding she was about to give m died on her to tongue.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just...watch where you're going next time." She gives him a tight lipped smile.

The guy bows, apologising profusely.

Taehyung waves him off. Valentina and Taehyung continue their way back to the subway that'll take them back home. The walk is once again silent. They finally get rid of the rush that was in Hongdae and find themselves in a dark street.

Valentina doesn't remember this street. She has been thinking that they'd go back the way they came. But she's clearly wrong as they walk further into the street.

"Um, Taehyung? Are you sure we're on the right. . ."

Before she can finish her sentence, someone hits her on the back of her head, almost knocking her unconscious. Before she can fall completely into clutches of unconsciousness, she sees a figure kicking Taehyung, hitting him in the head too. A body hitting the floor is the last thing she hears before darkness completely surrounds her.

Present time. . .

Valentina shifts next to Taehyung. She lets out a hiss as her bruised wrist burns. Taehyung turns his head to look at her, finding it hard to completely look at her, as both of them are tied to each other by their hands behind their backs, sitting on the cold, hard floor with their backs to each other.

"You okay?" Taehyung asks.

"Yeah. You?"

He doesn't answer. Instead he shifts closer to her to ease the pressure of ropes on her wrists. Her wrists instantly appreciate the lack of force on them, the burning subsiding.

"We need to get out of here," Taehyung mutters, looking around the old, dusty room.

They're in some sort of basement. It's filled with filthy stench of stagnant water and faintly smells like someone pissed in the room. The smell had almost knocked out Valentina again once she had awoken from her unconsciousness.

She nods. The slight action causing her head to throb.

"Fucking hell. I'm going to kill the bastard that hit me in the head," she mutters as another jolt of pain slices through her head. At this point, she feels like she'll vomit if she doesn't get out of there soon.

"I have an idea."

"Huh?" Valentina turns her head to look at Taehyung, ignoring the way her head hurts. "You have an idea to get us out of here?"

"Yes, dumbass."

"Hey, who are you calling a dumbass?" Valentina asks, offended by Taehyung's comment.

Taehyung ignores her question. "When they were carrying us here, I saw a window in the hallway that leads to outside."

"You were awake when they brought us here?" Valentina asks.

"Focus on things that matter, Valentina," Taehyung says, aggravated. "The point is we'll make run for it when time is right."

"Let me remind you something, in case you've forgotten, we are tied. We can't make run for it as you're saying."

Taehyung sighs. "I'm not dumb. I have an idea for that too."

Valentina doesn't trust Taehyung. She doesn't trust his idea knowing how futile such escape plans can be, considering she's gone through them quite a few time. She usually had aid from her agency to escape such hefty situations. But she isn't exactly in position to ask for help, and Taehyung is her only option. She'll have to trust his plan, even if she doesn't trust the guy himself.

"Okay." She leans her head back so it rests against Taehyung's back, causing him to stiffen at contact. "Sorry, I'm just really tired. Let me rest for a bit."

Taehyung doesn't say anything. Valentina takes that as permission and closes her eyes, trying to ease her pounding headache. She can feel the warmth emanating from his body, and strangely enough, she finds temporary solace in it as she drifts off to a dreamless sleep.

* * * *

NOTE: short chapter but I had to force myself to write it because it was annoying me so much to not be able to write despite knowing what I wanted to write. Writers block sucks so much.

Thoughts about the chapter? Who kidnapped them? Do you think Tae's plan will work? Do you think he should be trusted?

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Stay safe and happy.
Lots of love. Rose.

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