A new life, a new story

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Chapter 1: A new life, a new story.


I walked down the run down sidewalk towards my destination.

My cloak draped across my body. 'I have to start new, I have to be a new person' I thought to myself.

Well technically not a new person, what I'm going for this year is:
1) no friends
2) no socialization
3) no anger, love, or kindness shown to anyone, I don't need anyone thinking that I'm too easy, that I'll open up.

I'm a challenge and I like it that way.

No boys, no madder how cute they are.

I've never actually fell for a guy. And I know for a fact that no guy has/will ever fall for me.

I sighed as I ran my hands through my short, purple hair. As I rounded the last corner I pulled my hood up so it would hide my face. I have no idea why I was walking with it off.

Probably to feel the cool air on my face.

'Well there it is' I thought as I looked up. The worst place ever. Most defiantly not worse than my home town, but a close second.

In words of the Joker, 'Here we go'.

High school.


Suppies (spell check said guppies) ha!
I don't know why but I've decided to share that I'm currently watching the Big Bang Theory, and let me tell you that it's really hard not to try to repeat what Sheldon's saying on here. I 💜 Sheldon!!!!



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