Chapter Sixteen|| Reporters

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"Name?" Mathias barked.

I curiously walked back over to where they were. Who was this girl?

"This is Natalie Baker, she is a reporter that will be asking you two some questions. Your mother and father told me to tell you." The butler spoke and I nodded, dismissing him.

Thanks for the heads up mom.

Mathias, for once, looked uneasy. I didn't know what she was going to be asking, but I sure didn't like the thought of it.

I looked down at the heels in my hands and looked back up at the girl who was still staring at me with wide eyes. I realized just how unprofessional I looked right now. Great.

"Let's go to the throne room." I finally spoke up and lead the way. When I turned the corner, I chucked my shoes into some open room before they turned the corner and would see me.

I patted my hair down and entered the throne room nervously. Mathias and I walked up to where my mother and father usually would sit. Mathias eyed me as if saying 'are we allowed to sit here yet?' and I ignored him by taking my place on my mother's throne and Mathias sighed, taking my father's.

The girl, who still had yet to speak, stood in front of us nervously. Little did she know I was just as nervous as she was, though, I didn't let her see it. I raised my chin, pushed my shoulders back, and spoke.

"Are you going to ask a question?"

"R-right, of c-course," she spoke flustered and quickly looked through her notes and then clicked a button on her recorder.

"Um, how did you two meet?"

Really? That's what she started with?

"We're childhood friends. Our moms had us around each other since birth." Mathias calmly replied.

"But there aren't many photos of you two together. Did you ever stop...being friends?"

"For a short period of time because we both became busy with our own duties." I covered up the truth and Mathias visibly relaxed.

"How did you not know you were mates sooner?"

"Well, to start with, one doesn't begin to even sense their mate until they pass the age of sixteen. We had always been close as children, so years later when we found wasn't that surprising. It just took time for our wolves to notice it." I answered once more.

"And you became a lycan shortly after, your majesty?"

"I did."

"And why did you chose to do that?"

"Because..." I trailed off and looked over to Mathias.

"Because with her being a wolf, she wouldn't be able to be with me. I am a full lycan. I am no typical werewolf. It is physically impossible for a full lycan and a werewolf to be together. Everything about me is different including the process of a mate. It's more intense and dangerous and I was not going to try and put her through that." Mathias recovered swiftly.

"So you changed her for your own needs?" Mathias' eyes squinted at the question and I saw his hands clench the arms of the throne tightly.

At least the poor girl wasn't so nervous anymore.

"No, he didn't. Actually, he didn't want to at all. It was too dangerous and he cared too much for me to do that. It was my suggestion, my idea, and my plea that he would do it. I didn't give him much of a choice."

"So you made him stay with you?"

"N-no you're twisting my words around. I'm just saying that he was my mate and I wasn't going to let him go so easily. I wanted to try every last resort until we no longer could, but him changing me worked and here we are today."

"So you cared about him just as he did you...but you didn't want to give up easily and he did?" she sounded just as confused as that question just made me.

"The point is, Natalie, that she and I are now together. It was a long and scary start but we made it through it and we are stronger than ever. End of discussion on the matter." Mathias gritted out.

"Why do something so dangerous?" She asked, ignoring Mathias' comment and he sighed loudly.

"Because we're mates." We both spoke simultaneously. "And mates work out their problems and care for one another. They grow together. It is something only mates will understand." I added.

"And your thoughts on what people are thinking?"

"Simple. We don't care. We hope they wish us the best, but if they have a problem with us coming into power then they don't have to stay here." I couldn't help but snap.

My heart stopped at the comment I let out. My mother will have my head for it. I looked over at Mathias expecting him to be surprised, but he just had a smug look on his face.

"So you'd rather people leave then be stay here and respect you?"

"Respect is earned and it goes both ways. For months people have gone on and on about how my mate is not deserving of the queen title but I am here to say they are completely wrong. The woman sitting next to me is one of the most beautiful minded people I have ever met. She cares so much for the people that lately don't seem to really care about her. She is going to be an amazing queen and she is going to prove everyone wrong. But if you think for a second she won't be expecting people to respect her, you're wrong. She deserves respect and in return, she will respect our people and their wishes too, until then, it needs to be earned. Like I goes both ways."

My wolf howled at the sight of our mate taking up for us.

"Any other comments?" She asked.

"Get ready to see a lot more of us because we're not going anywhere," I replied and gave the girl a soft smile.

She stopped the recording and gave us a small smile.

"Thank you both for your time. I hope I didn't upset you with my questions. I was told to ask them. If it means anything, I admire you, Princess Rosemarie." She bowed her head in respect and turned heading for the doors

My jaw had dropped at her comment and I looked over to Mathias who was smiling at me.

"She admires me?"

"You, baby girl."





A new chapter is available on Radish. 

Sorry for the late updates lately, school has been killing me. 

The Queen's BondTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon