** beginning **
grace skywalker was born to luke skywalker and his then wife , mara jade soon after the empire had fallen . she'd been the eldest girl born to her parents , and they we're excited to meet their beautiful daughter , born with dark hair and dark eyes . the force that flowed through her family flowed through her too . she would train under her father's guidance in the new jedi order he founded , her cousin ben by her side for most of their formative years .
however , the divide between her family started early , with how grace acted towards her family and the fact that the only one who truly seemed to understand her frustrations being her aunt leia . she florished under her aunt's teachings of politics and strategy more than the meditation her father insisted on .
by the time she had turned 18 , she had one foot out the door . with her heart heavy , she had left home and her father's teachings . she lost her way often from there .** middle **
when grace was nineteen , she met a boy who was as lost as she was it seemed . armitage was bright , a recent imperial academy graduate . he had eyes that showed pain and any sudden moves toward him made the boy flinch . she didn't care who his family was , she loved him too much for that . their first child was born soon before her twentieth birthday , a beautiful girl they named lilith .
though , things turned sour by the time she was with child a second time . time was taken before she was realizing the bright , sad boy she had married was no long the same . his heart was too cold .
so she joined the budding resistance when she turned twenty-two . she became a ground commander , over seeing strikes that weren't in the air when her aunt , general organa simply had too many things to do . by this point , her marriage had been put on hold with armitage until they could reevaluate after the war .** in the end **
by the time the aspiring hero , simply known as rey had arrived at the resistance , grace had been working her ass off just to keep things afloat .
she simply stayed on the ground and out of the way against starkiller base , helping out on the ground the best she could . the loss of han solo , her uncle , the one who no doubt taught her to shoot a blaster was the first of a long string of losses .
during the battle of crait , she was losing hope . as one of the few surviving members of the long period of time floating in space , she just was waiting for her own death . she tried to keep people calm , and when rey had come for them on the falcon , the death of her father , luke skywalker seemed to just roll off her shoulders . she didn't have time to grieve .
then , finally , as the war came to an end , she aided on the drop ship during the battle of exegol but left with them in time . she had felt the loss of her aunt heavier than any other , and the loss of her soon to be ex-husband was an obvious one she knew would come . the celebration for the end of the war was hard , though a woman she met , her sister-in-law , she promises her a date after the war if they live . she was grieving , but the people around her had an infectious glee for the freedom of the galaxy and that , that was enough to make the lost girl smile . to bring an utterance of " we won " to her lips .
she realized too , the skywalker family , it would never be truly gone . she welcomed the young girl known as rey to her family .** the aftermath **
soon after the war had ended , grace started to aid in the clean up of the first order's last few forces . she marries the girl of her dreams before she became a politician advocating for the restoration of a another new republic set out to better the galaxy and help those in need .
she was able to return too and raise her two , and later three children with her wife and actually breathe for one moment in her life .
though the lightsaber she created as a teen still sat in a box underneath her bed . the inscription on the box , addressed to her daughter who would grow up with force sensitivity and usher in a new generation of heroes , or at least she hoped for that .
grace skywalker had been through so much , but the skywalkers would always continue to rise .