Bumping into a ball of sunshine

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Cross looked around glancing as he felt sweat dras over his skull. "Maybeeeeeee im off not on a great start." Cross looked around.

"But why... do I feel like I'm missing a part of me." Cross muttered. Cross looked around as he saw a bag of chocolates.

For some reason he felt attached to them as he walked over and put the bag of chocolate into his cart he had? Chara probably gave him those without realizing.

"WhAtever." Cross sighed as he then walked over and bumped into someone. Oh great here we go.

He bumped into a skeleton who has star pupils and wore a yellow jacket with a blue shirt hat said: "believe in yourself!"

"I'm sorry! Are you okay?" Dream went over to reach Cross's hand as Cross looked at him bewildered.

Dream realized what he said and hesitated to reach for Cross's hand.

'I feel like I'm in a sort of trance...'


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"Sorry..." Dream muttered.

"No it's okay!" Said Cross as he stood up.

"No it's not. Just leave me alone..." Dream hissed.

"What did I do?" Said Cross.

"Sorry! That's Dream, he doesn't trust a lot of people. Sorry about that." The skeleton appeared before him laughing nervously.

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