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After eating breakfast Bruno got a message from the boss. Bruno told Abbachio, Fugo, and Giorno to do the mission while Mista and Narancia was left behind with us. I went to my room and used Celeste to make me float in the air since I don't know what to do. Then, there was a knock on my door. "Come in!" I said. It was Mista and he saw me floating. "What are you doing?" He asked. "I'm just floating, wanna float too?" I said. "Sure." He said. Celeste then touched Mista making him float. Then, Narancia saw me and Mista floating so he asked if he could join. I said sure and made him float.

"Guys, Do you wanna play Zero Gravity Tag?" I asked. "Sure!" Narancia said. "I'm okay with it." Mista said. "I'll be it." I said.

We played for hours and hours. We stopped when it was lunchtime. Then, we continued playing, until Trish walked in and saw all of us floating. She was surprised at what she saw. "Um..hi." I said. "How are you guys floating?" Trish asked. "Stands." I said. "What's a 'stand'." Trish asked. Mista and Narancia gasped about knowing Trish not having a stand. "She doesn't have a stand?!" Mista said in surprise. "Maybe she doesn't have a stand YET." I said. I released all of us making as fall hard to the floor.

--King Crimson!--

When Giorno, Fugo, and Abbachio was done with their mission we met up. I grabbed my bag and we all went back inside the van. Abbachio then saw something written on the key. After Abbachio was done reading the key we headed at Naple's train station. I was seating beside Trish on the backseat with Fugo and Mista. Mista was whispering something to Fugo and looked at where they were looking. They were checking out my sis. My mouth formed an 'o' and covered my mouth. "Where you boys looking at? You nasty boys." I said as I raised my brow at them while crossing my arms. "Nowhere." Fugo said looking away.

Then, the car suddenly stopped making Fugo fall into Trish and accidentally touching my sister's thigh. I gasped as I grabbed Fugo's arms away from my sister's thigh. "Please forgive Fugo! That was totally unintentional, he fell unto you because the car braked which caused his hand to move to your thigh. It was all an accident! Please don't tell the boss!" Mista pleaded. "Hey! Shut up! It was an accident all along! Stop exaggerating it!" Fugo shouted at Mista. I was laughing my stomach out when that happened. Mista and Fugo then looked at me. "You guys are hilarious." I said as I wiped my tears from laughing.

We all head out the van and went inside the train station. We all went inside the train which lead us to Firenze. Bruno didn't went in yet since he was getting something using the key. Then, in a split second we're inside a room. "What?! How did this happen?!" Mista said. "The turtle is a stand user. We seem to be inside it. I don't know how it was created, but once the key is inserted to the turtle's shell it will use it's ability. The key is the entrance, creating this room and letting us in." Bruno explained. Everyone was shocked about what Bruno said. Narancia then peaked outside the turtle.

"This is awsome, it's like a spaceship!" Narancia said. Everyone was a but weirded out about being inside a turtle and stuff, but to me this isn't weird. Everyday was weird to me so being inside a turtle is normal now. "Turtle stand user? It's Coco Jumbo!" I said as I hug the wall. "You know this turtle y/n?" Giorno asked. "Yeah, it's Coco Jumbo." I said. 'So, if I remember clearly this is the time we get like really old because of a stand user outside.' I thought as I walked near the fridge and chill there. I looked at Narancia then at Giorno. 'They're turning old...' I thought. I grabbed soem cold cola and walked to Giorno. "Why don't you have some cold drink. Take it as a reward for getting the key." I said as I gave Giorno the cold cola making him commit reverse age.

"Thanks." He said as he took the cola. Then, Mista freaked out when Narancia got older. I grabbed a cold cola and pressed it against his cheeks. "The colder the temperature the slower you age." I muttered as I gave Narancia the cold soda. I took off my jacket and tied it on my waist and tied my hair up into a bun. I walked to Fugo and Abbachio and gave them some cold drinks. I took my folding hand fan and waved it left and right to cool down Narancia and Giorno. "A stand that makes people age. Did they figure out where inside this turtle?!" Mista said. "Calm down Mista. If they knew we were inside the turtle they would've used a more direct attack and since they haven't that means we haven't been found yet, the enemy only knows we're inside the train." Bruno explained. "The enemy is using his stand to everyone in the train." Bruno said. "He rounded up all the passengers. Is the train going at full speed?" Mista said. "It's a possibility they've already prepared themselves, and they won't hesitate at all." Bruno said.

"Since that's the case we only have two options. Option one take both of them and escape and option two is to find the enemy stand user and kill him." Bruno said to Mista. "Of course we'll take number two, if we escape with them we have to stop tbe train and that would be risky. Killing him would be simplier, i'll use my sex pistols." Mista said. "You're right, but we need to do it quickly we don't have enough time." Bruno said. "You're right Bucciarati! We don't have enough time." Mista said. "Wait!"I said while fanning Giorno and Narancia. Mista then stopped. "You need to know some stuff before you go." I said. "What are you talking about?" Mista said. "Hold on, listen to what she's going to say." Bruno said to Mista. "Do you guys not wonder why Fugo and the others age faster than us?" I asked them. They went quiet. "She's right, the others age faster than us, why is that?" Bruno said.

"Age lies in the eyes of the beholder. I'm going up." Mista said. "Wait, that's not how it works!" I said. Mista stopped. "Our aging depends on our temperature and I have read some book and it says that women changes their temperature than men does--" Mista then cut me off by saying "Are you telling me i'm a woman." I sighed and said "Let me finish first you dummy, we age slower since we drank some cold drinks a while ago. So it means the colder the temperature the slower we age."

<<To Be Continued<<<<<

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