The Christmas Wish (Child! Yugi x Christmas Guardian! Reader)

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It was the night before Christmas, a small little boy named Yugi watched the snow fall from outside his window with a smile in his face. He head down stairs and ran to his parents but they were very busy to notice him approaching to them.

 He head down stairs and ran to his parents but they were very busy to notice him approaching to them

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"Mommy! Daddy! It's snowing! Let's go make a snowman, mommy!" Replied a cheerful Yugi but he ends up receiving this answer from his mom, "Sweetie, not now

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"Mommy! Daddy! It's snowing! Let's go make a snowman, mommy!" Replied a cheerful Yugi but he ends up receiving this answer from his mom, "Sweetie, not now. Mommy's busy" After his mom gave him her response, he approaches to his dad, "Daddy, let's make a snowman!" "Sorry Yugi, your mom and I have to go somewhere important. Maybe later, okay?"

This made Yugi really sad as he slowly walked back to his room before closing the door and started to cry silently. "Mommy and daddy always leave me alone... I wish... I wish I had a friend who can play with me... I wish there's a place where we can play together..." He continued to cry without noticing his wish was about to come true.

His closet door mysteriously opened as some snowflakes flew inside his room until one of them landed on his tiny little hands which caught his attention as he saw a bright light while snowflakes were coming out of his closet as he got up and sees ...

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His closet door mysteriously opened as some snowflakes flew inside his room until one of them landed on his tiny little hands which caught his attention as he saw a bright light while snowflakes were coming out of his closet as he got up and sees what's inside. He enters while the closet door slowly closes as soon as he enters.

Without noticing, Yugi's mother enters the room, "Yugi, your father and I are-" But once she enters, she noticed Yugi wasn't in his room, "Yugi? Yugi, where are you?" There was no response until she checks all over the room, including the closet and there was no bright light and snowflakes like before, just his clothes which made her worry, "Yugi..?!? Where are you..?!?"

Child! Yu-Gi-Oh x Reader One shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant