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Tony's POV

I'm Anthony Santos. But people call me Tony, or Romeo. I'm from the Dominican Republic, since my parents were born there. I'm only 28 years old and my birthday is on July 21. One more month till my birthday! I went to my cousin Henry's house so we could practice. If you didn't know by now, we were in a band named "Aventura" with another two good friends. When I got there I knocked on the door but no response. I turned the knob and it was already open. When I got inside, I saw that Henry was in his room thinking to himself.

"Henry? Bro, I've been trying to reach you. You good?" I asked him.

"Nah man, I've been here thinking all day about the group." He stood up from his bed.

"What's up? Max and Lenny are on they way now."

"Its just that, after we made 'The Last'(their last album together as a band BTW), things haven't been the same." He said looking down. Now he got my full attention.

"What do you mean? Henry don't start with this crap on me!"

"What do you mean CRAP? I hate the fact that you get all the credit while the other guys and I aren't even as famous as you! And we're all in the same group! No entiendo!"

"First of all, if it weren't for me we wouldn't even been a group! And why are you saying this now?!"

"BECAUSE I WANNA GO SOLO!" He yelled while starting to walk towards me slowly. Did I just hear him right?!

"Wh-what?" I said in shock. I always thought that everything was alright, but I guess not.

"You heard me! I don't want to be in Aventura anymore!" He went to the living room and sat on the couch.

"Henry, I don't understand. Why you getting so mad about this?! I mean we're doing fine! Everyone loves us! Imagine what would happen if we broke up."

"Imagine what would happen if I go solo as an artist. I might have a chance to be in the spotlight, I might have a-" at the moment Lenny and Max came in.

"Yo, what's going on?" Asked Lenny.

"Nothing. I was just leaving. Aventura is done for. And ya can thank Henry for that." I glared at Henry and slammed the door. This is just great. I don't know what to do now, what is Francelys gonna think about this, what will the world PRESS think about this? I'm done for....

Hold on, what am I saying?!! I'm the Anthony "Romeo" Santos! Now that we broke up, I can go solo too! I'm gonna show Henry what he's missing out on! Ima show him that what he did, was a mistake. Or maybe it wasn't... I got home and Francelys was already home. But she was in the living room.

"Babe?" I called out. But no reply. Hmm, weird. While I was going up the stairs, I saw her sweater and a guy shirt that WASN'T mine. No, no this can't be. She must've bought me a new shirt and put it there to show me. She couldn't be. I got closer and closer to the room and I heard noises. No, no, no! I opened the door and saw the worst. View. Ever.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?" I screamed. Fran got up and the last person I expected was in the bed.

Enrique Iglesias.

"Bro, it's not what you think!"

"Really?!! Because it looks like you fucking my girl in MY BED!!" He fell back to the bed while Francelys got up to put on her clothes and come after me. I went back downstairs and started to get my keys.

"TONY!! WAIT! Please don't go! I still love you!"

"If you actually loved me you wouldn't have been with other niggas! Especially him! You know how good friends we are and you're gonna make him go against me?! Enserio?!? That's it, we're through! ENRIQUE SHE'S ALL YOURS!" I yelled to him upstairs and left. I got in the car and just stayed there on silence. I couldn't hold in it anymore, I had to cry. First, Aventura is over, Francelys cheated on me with one of my ex-best friends, and now I have no where to go. Why today? Why couldn't it have been a regular day, rehearsal with the boys, and come back home. To my dique love of my life. I guess things happen for a reason.


Un soberbio rendido

Sin su amor ya yo no puedo continuar

Ahora entiendo que la amor no tiene precio

Confrabe mi dinero

Si quisera

No la puedo compraa

I was just finishing my last concert of my Formula Vol. 1 tour! After Aventura broke up, I decided to go solo too. And everything's been AMAZING! Did Henry really think he'll become more popular? Hell nah. I have MILLIONS have fan! I even got Madison Square Garden sold out on my own! Without the boys. I have to admit, I miss performing with them, but like I said, this was for the best. I still sing some Aventura songs here and there. Which drives the fans crazier and more pumped. And I always had interviews asking me about how we broke up and why. But I would always keep it on the low and answer saying that we were busy and we couldn't continue as one anymore. Henry on his own, but what I'm happy is that Lenny and Max haven't stopped working together. They in a duo group called Vena. I guess we all found our path. I bought a house up in Georgetown, Yonkers. Where it's peaceful and paparazzi free. The house is HUGE. I just haven't found that one person to share it with. Ever since Francelys, everything about love to me just, went away. Especially with Alex Damian. She never let me visit him, but we would always text or call on the low. I only had him when I was 17, so I didn't know anything about being a dad. Fui cobarde, I was a coward. I ran away for a few years from Fran and Alex and lived with the boys for a few, until I realized that he needed a family, that he needed his father there to be with him. I had to go back and face the truth. He didn't meet me until the age of two years old. That's when I saw the happiness he had within him. But that night of Francelys and I breaking up, I knew she wouldn't let me see him again. He was at his grandmother's house that night it happened. I couldn't take it anymore. He was only 9 years old at the time. He didn't know what was happening. His mom would always tell him that I was the one that left them, but thank god he believed my side. He knew how his mother was like, he never belived in her words. Yes, I still write love songs and all, but I don't want my romeistas to worry about me. I want them knowing I'm happy with myself. I finished the concert and went into my dressing room. I looked at myself in the mirror and stood there in silence just staring at myself. Look how far I've made it on my own.

"Gustosoo... Don't worry Tony, someday a miracle will happen. A lovely one too."

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