~Chapter 1~

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[𝗞𝗶𝗿𝗶'𝘀 𝗣𝗢𝗩]
I walked to my new dorm number trying to find it so I could get the best bed. My dorm number was 205. My lucky number. I find it and no ones there. I jumped onto the biggest bed. Then I hear the door open. I was to comfortable to check who it was. Then I got thrown across the room and knew who it was.

[Bakugo's POV]

I find my dorm. 205. This is the room I'm going to stay in for the next year or two. I honestly didn't care until I thought I saw yellow hair and thought it was pikachu. I blushed until I realized it was shitty hair. He seemed to have claimed the bigger bed. I just threw him across the room, hoping he'll get the fact that the bed with a desk attached to it was mine. He kinda just whined. It was kinda cut- What the hell am I saying! It was lame..

[Kiris POV]

SO I REALIZED I MADE A HUGEE MISTAKE YESTERDAY. I whined in front of bakugo. He probably thinks I'm not manly anymore! Anway- I saw bakugo staring at kaminari today in class, I wonder if he has a crush on him. I mean he basically almost kills him every day but- theres a possiblity.

[Bakugos POV]

I kept staring at pikachu the whole time in class, I tried not to but I couldn't stop. Tho its not intense it's just like..I like his smile.

[Kiri POV]

Today was the weekend, mineta being mineta. Tsuyu spitting straight facts and bakugo almost killing her, you know the usual. Mina came up to me and asked if I liked anyone. I told her no because I dont, but I think she thinks I'm lying. Making girls trust you is hard. At lunch midoriya left somewhere. I followed him because he said he was going to the restroom but just went the opposite direction. I followed him to is dorm seeing that he was paired up with todoroki. I asked what he was doing, he asked if he can trust me, i told him yes. "Well me and todoroki had some "fun" last night...and our protection broke...and I feel really sick so I think I'm pregnant..." I wasn't really that shocked and told him I would help him and todoroki if they needed anything. He said thank you and we both went to lunch. Midoriya told me something todoroki said last night that made me blush but laugh at the same time, he said "if I freeze my d*** hard enough, I'll be harder then kirishima" midoriya said it was awkward but then they both bursted out laughing about it.

[Bakugos POV]

Shitty hair followed deku at lunch. He came back and look super uncomfortable and surprised. I dont know why but seeing him uncomfortable made me mad at deku.

Sorry it's only 485 words my hands hurt so yeah. Chapter 2 coming <3

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