adorable (human!katherine)

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~you walk downstairs to see a human katherine 'training' to defend herself ~

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~you walk downstairs to see a human katherine 'training' to defend herself ~

as i wake up sweating from an intense dream, i hear a commotion downstairs. i tilt my head in confusion, thinking no one should be up at this hour of the night, then drop my head to look at the time.

2:31  a.m.

i let a sigh escape my lips due to the exhaustion and look over to katherine's side of the bed to find an empty space. i immediately think of the worst and start heading downstairs in worry. when i reach near the bottom, i hear a chair creak and turn to see katherine reaching down and coming back up with a wooden stake.

"what are you doing?" i ask amused. the sound of my voice made her jump in the middle of her action, causing her to mess up and become frustrated. my heart swelled at how adorable she looked at that moment.

"dammit, y/n," she expressed. "you scared the shit out of me."

"sorry," i laugh and she gives me a slight glare. i finally step down off the last step and walk up to her. she sets the stake down on the floor and rises from the chair.

"what are you doing up?" katherine wraps me in her arms, making me finally relax from the dream,  from which i woke up uneasy. "did i wake you?"

"no," i chuckle softly. "but what exactly were you doing?" i ask again, the amusement still evident in my eyes. she looks down in embarrassment.

"i, uhm - i don't know. i guess i just feel like i should learn how tho defend you and myself  without the powers i had. stupid, i know." she glances up slightly and i smiled.

"aw, baby." i embrace her in another hug. "you're way too cute."

"i'm not cute. i'm katherine." she pulls away again slightly. "i'm hot as shit." she corrects, making me let out a laugh in her arms. i shake my head and kiss her cheek lightly.

"i love you, dork." i rest my head in her neck. i hear her hum and she tilts her head to rest
over mine.

"but i love you more."

"not possible,"  i breathe out. i can practically feel the smile form on her gorgeous face due to my words.

"yet, i do."

i roll my eyes and pull away fully to grab her hand. "let's just go to bed." i start to pull her up the many steps that lead to our room and she giggles.

"as you wish."

Katherine Pierce Gif ImaginesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя