Every 3 AM

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One night Alexa had a great party and stayed awake until 3 AM, in that night she felt something was watching her and sometimes she hears a crying girl, and she felt an evil spirit got stuck in her. In the morning, she was so shocked when she saw her pet cat killed and the blood was all over her and she woke up in the garage holding a chainsaw. At lunchtime she looked at her and her followers got mad to her by posting videos exposing some of her followers  and some of them  even said ''make a video 3 AM challenge so you get hurt just like us that you hurt!'' But Alexa didn't remember posting those videos and she thought she get her followers back by doing the challenge. It's 3 AM and she's holding her camera and that's the exact time when she felt another evil spirit and a crying girl. The other day, she saw the video and  she can't believe what she seen, and she also saw her room full of blood and in the kitchen she saw  a creepy doll hanging on the drawer with knife in the neck. In cooking class, Alexa was doing great and then she felt it again the evil spirits whispering to her saying ''kill yourself, kill yourself, kill yourself'' and then she suddenly acted weird in the class she took the knife and killed her seatmate and put her best friend's head in the boiling water and cut the fingers of the other students, and then she snapped out of it and saw what she have done and devil showed up to her the devil was taking her soul and the devil tried to control her and she got possessed and tried to hurt herself but her BFF went to the class with the priest, while the priest was showering her with holy water acted like she was the devil everyone got hurt except to the priest and then suddenly Alexa acted normal again, and she was brought to the hospital and tried to forget what happened.

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