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"What are you making?" he asks me.

"Hot cocoa to warm us up" I say.

"Sounds like a great idea" he agrees.

We are soon kissing once more.

"Stay in my room tonight. I have the only private room here" he mentions. "after all I rented the cabin for us all"

"Love to" I giggle.

"I was happy to see you came, I was not sure you were going to after last year" he mentions to me.

"Why not?" I ask.

"After you turned me down, I figured you would turn down my invite to come. But when they all told me you were coming, I had an inkling of hope that you were going end up with me. At least I was hoping. And when I saw you at dinner wearing that brooch again that showed me you loved me" he says softly.

"I never stopped. I am so sorry for hurting you. For making you think that I did not care. I did at the time, I made up my mind of who I wanted it was to late or so I, thought and you would not talk to me by then. When you invited me that to gave me hope. And I had to come to win you back" I admit fully to him.

The water boils. The pot whistles. I made him some cocoa. I hand him a mug of cocoa.

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"I have a Christmas gift for you. I brought it just in case we got together" he says.

"You did? Oh, George you did not have to do that" I gasp.

"I wanted to" he says.

"I am so happy" I gush.

"Me to sweetheart. Me to. Can I ask you something? I have to know" he asks me.

"What is it?" I ask. "you can ask me anything"

"Why did you turn me down? If you still had some feelings, there and you were unsure why did you not tell me you had feelings at least?" he asks me.

I set my mug down on the counter. I pull him in my arms after I make him set his mug down to.

"I was scared. I had fallen in love before. And my heart was broken. And you were getting so famous so fast. I was scared to be with you. That you could really love only me. I was foolish. Again, I am sorry that I hurt you. I never meant to hurt you. I turned you down because I was unsure you really loved me. I was not that mature then to" I admit to him. "but when I was without you and I saw how deeply I hurt you I also saw how deeply you cared"

"I really did" he admits. "I do"

"How do you stand to put up with me?" I ask laughing.

He smiles then leans in kissing me. "I love you. I never stopped"

"I love you to. Thank you for never giving up on me" I say.

He takes his cocoa and sips it. I sip mine. Then we move into the living room. He goes over to the room he was in. He comes back with a gift. He hands it to me.

He really had brought me a Christmas gift! I was not expecting anything from him this year. How lovely. I shake my head and smile as happy tears come to me. Being with George was a gift enough. The only gift I needed.

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"Open it sweetheart" he demands to me.

I nod then rip the gift open. Inside was a beautiful necklace that matched my brooch. It had a heart on it. A sliver heart. I loved it. I gasp. He takes it out and places it on my neck. It matched my brooch perfectly.

"I bought it as a set. I was going to give this to you the next year if we got together. But sadly, that never happened" he tells me.

"I have it now. I love it George. I am sorry I did not get you anything" I worry.

"You gave me plenty. We are together. That is all I need" he tells me.

"Come here" I say.

I take him by the hand and lead him to my room. I get out the letter he gave me last year. I show it to him. That I kept it to. He looks stunned but happy.

"You kept it" he says softly.

I nod. "That letter meant the world to me. I reread every line all the time. I could not believe you loved me. But you do. I love you" I say to him.

"This is a beautiful gift. Thank you, sweetheart," he says.

"Your welcome. Merry Christmas George" I say.

Our lips meet in a Christmas kiss.
This was the best Christmas ever.

The End...
Merry Christmas 🎄

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