I dig in my drawer for their leashes, and then pack all of their necessities.

"Alright times up, whatever you don't have oh well." He says giving me a fake smile grabbing one of my bags. I put them in his backseat and as soon as I close my door shut he speeds off. Jeez.

I stare out the window as usual. 20 minutes later and we were downtown. I loved downtown, it was so pretty and beautiful.

He pulls in the front of a building getting out. "Wait you can't park here!" I shout at him but he walks in the building anyway.

"He valets sweetie." Some random told me. Oh. I follow him in the gigantic office building hoping not to get lost.

"Wow, well thanks for waiting." I say sarcastically as he gets on the elevator, almost closing. He opens his room on the top floor. He didn't say anything he just opens the laptop that sat on his desk.

I take this time to notice what he's wearing. I really needed to stop thinking of him in some other way, but I couldn't help myself. He was in a black suit with a black tie and dress shoes. It fit him well, obviously because I knew he would not come to work looking anything less than perfect. And his suit jacket made his build pop, arms and all.

"Babydoll," he says annoyed and my face snaps to his. "I like that you're checking me out and all but, stop staring you're going to start drooling eventually." He says and I roll my eyes. He was right my eyes were going to fall out from rolling them so much. I plop down on the couch that sat in front of his desk.

What the hell was I supposed to do all day?

I groan to myself digging through my bookbag for something to do. I'm hungry still. I grab my wallet going to look for something around this gigantic building.

"Where are you going?" He questions as he puts his hand over mine that was about to open the door.

"I'm hungry, and bored, and there's nothing to do." I say opening the door and leaving. There was 21 floors total leaving me with a lot of space to explore. Pressing a random floor I look at the map of the building while I wait.

"Ooh yes!" I say to myself finding a cafe. It wasn't much but it smelled good. I got apple juice and a chocolate chip muffin. I was in desperate need of some sugar and wanting to eat it I hurry back to his office. Walking throughout the building I got stared at a lot. I just blamed it on the clothes I was wearing because everyone was in suits and dresses and skirts.

I get off the elevator and this girl knocks into me. "The f—" I start but catch myself since this was a professional building. Ooh girl, she definitely had some work done on her.

"Excuse you." She says rudely standing there like she wasn't going to move. She had a tan, not a normal one because it was February. It was fake and poorly done. Not to mention her clothes were so tight that I thought her breasts were going to pop out at any moment.

I look her up and down before trying to walk around her, but she moves in front of me again. Alright, it's too early in the morning for this, I try to be nice I really do.

"Who even are you?" She spits.

"I'm Kiona James, and you?" I ask giving her a fake smile.

"Why are you here because dressed like that I know you're not here with Jackson." She says rolling her eyes.

"Actually I am, so fuck off. If you wanna know that bad how about you go ask. And don't ever try to disrespect me when you look like th—"

"Is there a problem?" I hear his husky raspy morning voice that did not clear up yet. He was close behind me, extremely close. His arm pulls me to his side and I scrunch my nose.

"Yes this b— lady, wants to cause problems." I say catching myself again. I should really work on that huh.

"Ansley?" He says in a bored tone.

"Hmm, yes Mr. Taylors?" She pipes up and this time I roll my eyes. Yea he can deal with that. I slip out of his grip walking back to his office faintly hearing them talk more and plop down on the couch eating my breakfast.

"Hey I'd appreciate it if you didn't cause a scene the first hour you're here." He says annoyed going to his desk. My mouth was filled with food so I didn't say anything. I just glare at him opening my laptop. I plug in my headphones opening Netflix, if I was going to be here all day why not.

An hour later and my show is interrupted by yelling. "What do you mean you can't fix it?!" He yells into the phone.

"They said that they can't fix it damn." I say turning the volume all the way up earning a glare from him. Even from that his voice was overpowering and I couldn't hear anything.

"What can't they fix." I ask after he slams the phone down.

"I don't even know, some computers crashed and other problems." I pipe up at this, finally I can do something.

"Lemme try," I say.


"I said let me try." I say getting off the couch and closing my laptop.

"Well if it keeps you out of my office for awhile sure, floor 17, to the right when you get off the elevator." He says and I skip out of his office slamming the door before he even finishes. My braids were put in a bun just to keep it out of my face and I really wanted to change my nose piercing but I didn't get a chance to grab it, so my septum remained without a piercing.

I walk slowly around the corner seeing this guy frantic and running around like a madman. "I can try." I say and he just looks at me. I assumed that he was freaking out about the computers.

"Who even are you- I mean yea sure. Whatever works." He says letting me sit at a desk.

Are they serious? Whatever engineer tried to fix these computers didn't try hard enough. This was something extremely basic. I fixed it in 2 minutes tops and the guy that spoke to me was jumping with joy.

"Oh my gosh, I thought I was going to get fired." He says jumping up and down making me smile. "I'm Daniel, and if you need anything my desk is here, now if you wouldn't mind fixing the other 20 computers that are down?" He asks and I nod. I was just glad to be doing something and not holed up in that office.

An hour and fifteen minutes later, I return to his office to which he furrows his eyebrows at me. "I fixed all of them."

"All?" He questions standing up. I nod plopping down on the couch. He picks up the phone from his desk.

"Yes let me speak to the tech engineer." He starts and waits a few moments. "Yea hey, Aidan you're fired." He says hanging up.

He walks around the desk sitting on it now closer to me. "You need a new job right?" He questions.

"Work for me."


So I have like a million chapters ready to be posted but I feel like they need more Jackson and Kiona action lol

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