Down Hill

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(Craig POV)

 Alright so let's recap what's happened since we all got back from our senior trip. You can already guess that there's been some tension between everyone. You know how it goes. The girls take Tamara's side and us, the boys, stay neutral cuz we're cool with Chris and T. Then there's I don't know what the the hell to do with her. The thing is she avoids us like we got the swine flu or something. Serena and Jasmine have been talking to her, I've seen them in the cafeteria and sometimes waiting for her outside of her ballet class. But they've both got boyfriends, one which is Chris's friend. So that's some awkward stuff too. And lastly we've got Destiny. She's been walking around here practically lighting up the hallways with her big ass smile. She got what she wanted apparently and her life was going in the right direction.

 Ontop of all this stuff we've got hella essays, hella projects, hella stuff for college, and the SATs. So everyone's a bit on edge. Oh yeah and the prom committee is running around trying to make things perfect. It's a masquerade theme, all romantic and shit. The girls seem to love it I guess.

 Right now it's time for gym but we're waiting for Coach to come in. We have a few minutes before the actual bell rings so I'm holding Jasmine by her waist, trying to make her late just for the fun of it.

 "Come on, I have to go to class. You're gonna make me late." She whines, although she's not making much of an effort to leave.

 "It's just english, Mr. Jeffries won't even care." I say, finishing off the rest of the muffin.

 Jasmine rolls her eyes. "Whatever, I can't believe you made me walk all the way to cafe and back down here just to get you a muffin."

 "I forgot to eat breakfast this morning." I say shrugging.

 "That's a load of bull. Everyone knows damn well you don't ever forget to eat." She says giving me a doubtful look. I laugh cuz it's true. "Can I leave now?"

 "Kiss ya boo first." I say making the duck face.

 "Ew, not looking like that." She says laughing. I fix my lips and she inches towards me. Suddenly the gym door slams into my arm nearing crushing my bone. I turn to see Tamara trying to open the door but I'm in the way.

 "Move," she says glaring at me.

 "Damn, a please would be nice." I say to her. If looks could kill I'd be laid out on the floor right now. Without saying anything else, I step to the side and let her through the doors.

 We watch as she steps inside, just as the bell over head rings.

 "Ugh, thanks a lot Craig. Now I have to go get a pass." Jasmine says narrowing her eyes at me.

 "Aw, poor baby." I say stepping forward, ready to embrace her in a kiss. She chuckles and spins away from me, leaving my lips in the dust. I glare at her as she heads to the stair well, then I go into the gym with the others.

 "Yo!" I call to Chris. He's at one of the hoops shooting the ball by his self. He turns and nods at me as I get closer. "Your ex just tried to break every bone in my arm."

 "She was barely even an ex." Ray laughs, coming up to us with Jacob and Jaida. "Ya'll were barely together for a day."

 "Yeah, thanks for the reminder Ray." Chris says sinking the ball into the hoop.

 "Don't blame him for your dumb ass mistake." Jaida says. Chris glances at her as he dribbles the ball.

 "Why don't you go suck faces with your mexican?" He asks.

 "I would say the same to you except you've been dumped and had your ass a girl!" Jaida says crossing her arms. Chris's nearly breaks his neck to give her a glare but by then she was already walking away towards Tamara who was kicking around a soccer ball.

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