Part 2 :- Lost and Found

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"I waited for you at dusk," Xian mutters hopelessly.

"I am sorry I was late. I will never be late again. I promise you, Xian. Please, believe me." YiJun begs as they near the physician's chamber.

Xian's eyes clear up a little. "You killed her?"


"You didn't abandon me?"

"I can never abandon you."

"Sorry, Jun," Xian whispers.

"It's ok. We are ok. You are going to be ok." YiJun mutters, more to himself than to Xian.

"You know it, don't you, my love... " Xian says, bringing his hands to YiJun's face and stroking it, "You know you can't save me."

Tears start making their way down YiJun's eyes. It's not water, but blood, that stains YiJun's cheeks.

Xian's eyes widen. "What happened?"

YiJun doesn't answer; he asks, instead, "Are you in pain?"

"Of course, I am in pain, Jun," Xian answers, giving YiJun a weak smile.

"Look into my eyes... "


As soon as Wei Xian walks out, he regrets not borrowing a muffler from Aunty as well. He puts his hands inside the jacket-pocket, and tries his luck, hoping to find something useful.

'Thank God for the face mask. At least it will keep me from becoming Rudolph.' Xian chuckles, pulling out the mask and wearing it before mounting his bike and starting his journey back home.

On his way back, he comes across a man lying in the middle of the road. Xian stops and dismounts. But when he approaches the man, Xian notices that there are no visible wounds on him. 'This doesn't seem right.' He observes. Sensing foul play, Xian decides to turn around, but before he can do that, someone grabs him and holds a knife to his throat.

Xian remains calm and tries to reason, "Listen, I don't have any money or valuables on me. There is nothing that I can offer you guys." Xian says and watches as the man lying on the floor stands and walks towards him.

The second man pulls Xian's mask down and smiles. "Let us decide your worth." The second man says before punching Xian's stomach hard.

"Ahhh!" Xian winces and doubles over in pain.

The knife at his throat breaks skin, and blood starts oozing out of the small cut.

"Why the fuck did you do that, Zhuo? He is bleeding now! And it's right where anyone can see it. Boss told us not to damage the merchandise!" The man with the knife says, removing it from Xian's throat.

Xian falls to the floor.

"Relax, no one will care about it." The second man says before lifting his leg to kick Xian.

Xian closes his eyes and braces himself, but the kick he expects never comes.

He opens his eyes slowly and sees a man dressed in black. He watches the new arrival hold his attackers by their throat.

The men struggle to get out of the strong ironlike grip of the man in black.

"Shhhhhh." The Xian's savior whispers, and the men stop struggling. They calm down.

"Who sent you?"

"We didn't see his face. He wants the boy. He paid us good money to bring him."


"The park next to Lan Pharmaceutical head office."

The Savior takes his hands off their throats.

"Forget me. Forget the boy. You got drunk and forgot about your Job. Now Leave."

The two men nod and walk away.

'What the hell is happening? Who the hell is he?' Xian wonders, covering his face with the mask once again.

Once the men have gone away, the Savior turns to look at Xian.

He walks towards Xian.

His eyes fall on Xian's neck. "Are you hurt anywhere else?" The man enquires emotionlessly.

"No, thank you," Xian replies, trying to catch his savior's eyes.

"You are safe now." the man in black reassures and walks closer. His eyes remain fixed on the small bleeding cut on Xian's neck.

The man stops and looks into Xian's eyes. Xian's hand unknowingly moves over his chest. 'Why is my heart racing?' He wonders.

The man in black puts his hands on Wei Xian's waist and pulls him towards himself.

Xian doesn't resist.

"Look into my eyes..."

{Note:- Word Count 1238

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Dusk And Dawn ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon