Mission: Not Falling In Love With Him (18)

Start from the beginning

“Don’t lie.” I said pushing her hands off me. Time to get my brother back.

“I swear I don’t know.” There was some noise coming from the cave and we both turned to look at it. “This place is scary, can we go?”

“No.” I said. “Is he in there?”

“Nat, please what are you talking about?” she begged me to leave.

I pushed her off harsh this time and she stumbled a couple steps looking hurt. I took out my gun and pointed it to her. She raised her hands in the air and a tear slipped off. “Brother. Where?” I said. “Don’t come with bullshit, I know everything.”

Amanda looked up with nothing but fear in her eyes and red rimmed eyes and stared at me for what seemed like forever. Her face started dropping the mask and in seconds Amanda was looking much like a bitch queen with cold eyes and a wet face. There was nothing pleasant about that face and I almost shuddered.

“So the secret’s out.” Amanda said with a fierce voice. “Did he break?” she asked amused.

“I’ve got more brains than even you thought.” I said. “Brother?”

“Dead.” She answered shrugging. “He was too much of a burden.”

I clicked the gun and Amanda chuckled. “It doesn’t scare me. I almost grew up with one next to the stroller.”

“Poor thing, you could have shot yourself. Why didn’t you?” I spit sarcastically.

“I was saving the bullet for this day.” She smiled that cat-like smile I used to share with her. “You won’t get out of this alive. I bet he told you that. That little brat knew what he was getting himself into but he couldn’t stop shielding you away.” Her grin grew. “Pathetic.”

“Amanda, I don’t have the nerve to talk about your experiences right now so why don’t we cut the chase and you simply give me my brother so I can kill you.” I smiled brightly as she chuckled.

“Out of all the things you can do, killing is not one of them.” she said with a confident smile.

Oh, she was really not observant…

I couldn’t help the grin in my face. “Where were you in the hotel?” I asked remembering the many bodies lying around. I wonder now if it was all some set up planned by her. The thought brought fresh rave to me. All of that trouble for what? I don’t know if those men were protected but I landed some hard shots in some…and they might have died for nothing.

“I was covering up the target you left with the enemy.” She said and smiled. “Rule number one if I remember correctly; always protect your target. Not even that you could do well.”

“Screw you Amanda.” I said bitterly.

She smiled one last time before lounging towards me. She was much closer than I thought and before I could even think about the gun in my hand she had tackled me to the ground making the gun fly away from my reach.  I struggled with her as she tried to hit me but I managed to pin her down and land a good punch in her face.

She didn’t mind much because she hit me on the chest knocking my breath away. I staggered backwards and prepared myself for another punch. Instead she dashed away from me and towards the gun. Still short of breath I jump on her back crashing her down and grabbed a handful of hair knocking her head against the floor. She yelped in pain and spin landing a punch in my mouth.

The taste of blood…gross.

I took her arm pinning it behind her back and threw her backwards. She was far enough that I could aim to grab the gun but before I could even think about it, there was a gunshot that made me freeze in place.

Mission: Not Falling In Love With HimWhere stories live. Discover now