Please be careful with who you trust, okay?

15 1 2

[  It's the end of a long work day. Everyone aboard the ship has returned to their designated sleeping quarters, all save for one.
  The door creaks open to Greal's office. Sheepishly poking his head into view, we see Greyson.]

GREYSON: Uhm, you... wanted me to see you, Captain?

[Sitting at a desk, on the other end of the room is Greal, he looks up from whatever work he was doing]

GREAL: Hm?— oh yes, thank you. Come in.

[Greyson approaches the desk and pulls out a chair]

GREAL: Oh there's no need for that, this'll be quick.

GREAL: All rehabilitation officers are being laid off, I'm afraid. We're ceasing the little... 'project' you lot had going on over there.

GREAL: That is all.

[Greal looks back down at his work]

GREYSON: Wait... I'm sorry Sir? You're 'laying off' the rehabilitation officers?

GREAL: Hm? Oh my stars— I'm sorry. 'laying off' isn't the right phrase.

[Greal chuckles to himself, noticing his poor phrasing. He shakes his head and turns to Greyson with a more soft but focused look]

GREAL: No, don't worry, you're not being fired, you just won't be assigned to that duty anymore. We have no use for it any longer.

GREYSON: No use!? But Sir—

GREAL: Ah, don't worry Greyson. You'll be back to working your usual shift again. I'll be sure to have A.V.A. send you your new schedule first thing in the morning. Have a good rest of your night.

[Greal smiles and solemnly nods, signaling Greyson to leave]

GREYSON: But we're so close to having a breakthrough! And we still have a couple of months left until... until...— You... you can't just do this!

GREAL: ...I'm... pretty sure I can.

GREAL: Look Greyson, I understand you're passionate about this project but—

GREYSON: This isn't just a project! These are people's lives!

GREAL: —but... at the end of the day, they are still criminals. And they've been put on death row for good reason... I'm sorry, but this is just how it has to be.

GREYSON: Ah Ha! But here's the thing!—

[Greal leans back in his chair]

GREAL: Here we go...

GREYSON: The person I've been working with, Een— uh... 65423. I think he might've been framed, I don't think he did it!

GREYSON: I've been talking with him for awhile now, and I've gotten to know him pretty well! And I think if we just—

GREAL: Hang on... hang on. Let's take this slow.

GREAL: You believe... that inmate 65423. Was framed?


[The amused grin on Greal face has since faded, now replaced with frustration. He places his hand on the bridge of his nose for a bit, then looks back up Greyson.]

GREAL: Greyson, take a seat.

[Greyson nervously pulls out a chair and sits, now realizing his unprofessional outburst]

[Greal places his hand back on his head and his eyes dart back and forth as he tries to word his sentence as best as he can in his head]

GREAL: Greyson, I admire your empathy. I really do. It's the reason I pushed so hard to get you hired.

GREAL: But... you have to understand that what you're suggesting to me is one of the craziest things I've ever heard.

GREYSON: —but if you just gave him the chance!

GREAL: You said, you believe 65423 was framed, correct?


GREAL: And where exactly did you get this information from, hm? Who told you this?


GREYSON: 65423 did Sir...

GREAL: And you don't see anything... suspicious about that, no?


[Greal frowns, sensing Greyson's embarrassment.]

GREAL: Greyson... I understand how much this meant to you, and I get that you're disappointed...

GREAL: ...Can I give you some advice?— not as your boss, no... Can I tell you something, as a friend?

[Greyson looks up at Greal]

GREAL: If you keep believing in the first thing everyone tells you... you're gonna get yourself hurt.

GREAL: You're a good person, Greyson. You're empathetic and forgiving and...

[He softly laughs]

GREAL: —You're so so naive... but you're a good person... And I'd hate to see someone take advantage of that.

GREAL: Just... please be careful with who you trust, okay? Can you promise me that?

GREYSON: ...Yeah. Thank you Greal... I really appreciate it.

[Feeling the tension ease, Greal smiles]

GREAL: Of course.

[Greyson gets up to leave and Greal walks him out the door]

[Greyson makes his way to his quarters. The halls are quiet and empty as he is the last to enter his room and sleep for the night.]

Ah ha ha Yuh Yeet igWhere stories live. Discover now