Day Seven - Midday

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     "M'kay... There any plants here that would turn me into a frog if they got ate?"

    Balor doesn't say anything, his expression saying it all for him: one brow raised and practically screaming "what in blazes are you on about?". Seeing that Casper is perfectly serious, he answers. "No. I know of a few potions that are able to do so, but the plants by themselves cannot. Wherever did you get such a notion, Casper?"

     "I dunno. Just thinkin', is all. No real reason for it. Uh. Yeah." Casper looks away. In hindsight, it was a laughable idea. No idea how he came up with it in the first place. "I'm gonna grab some espinik now."


     "Whichever." Casper leaves his blanket on the floor and moseys over to the espinac to pluck a few leaves for breakfast come lunch.

     Balor coolly watches him. "I take it you've changed your mind about the taste."

     "No. 'S still nasty, 'm just hungry," Casper grumbles around a mouthful. It gals him, but Balor was right. He'll eat just about anything, green, burnt, or outright disgusting.

     Balor hums in acknowledgement, still not present where it counts. Well, whatever. The big guy can do as he likes, it's not Casper's problem. He goes back to munching on the... plant stuff. Whatever you call it, it gets stuck in his teeth real easy. He picks at it with the edge of a fingernail. Some of it's gotten dislodged, but it feels like there's more stuck there.

     "Do you want to be here, Casper?"

     Casper freezes mid-pick. "Eh?"

     "Do you want to be here? At the manor? In Glenholm generally?"

     Casper sits down and lowers his hand onto his lap. He sucks at his teeth one more time and runs his tongue over them (there's still green caught in there somewhere) as he considers the question at length. "I dunno. I mean... nobody ever asked." He responds, but a response isn't the same as an answer, now is it? Why should anyone ever have an answer for a question that was never asked? "I dunno." And Casper goes very, very quiet.

     Balor studies him for a beat. He moves to where Casper is and sits by him, not immediately beside him, but still near, still maintaining that cautious distance. "Casper, as far as can be seen, there is no reason for you to remain here if you do not wish to. You could leave. You could go wherever you want to, the world is within your reach. You certainly do not have to live in the house with Myr ; it would not be fair to have you live in such conditions. I have no doubt that you would receive warmer welcomes and be better cared for anywhere else."

     Casper stares at Balor in growing horror as he takes in what's being said. "You shippin' me off now too? You sendin' me away because-" (you hate me so much.) He trails off into a whine. Breath in. Breath out. Don't cry. Don't cry.

     "Oh... Oh, Casper, do not cry, come now." Balor slowly makes his way toward him. He makes no sudden movements. He hesitates before putting a light hand on the boy's shoulder.

     The boy shies away from the touch. "I'm not crying!" His voice is raw, his face streaking wet. "'M not! "

     "I... As you say, Casper." Balor tries again, another gentle touch. The boy makes to wrench his hand off (stop acting like you care! ) and what does Balor do? He takes his hand and holds it.

     "You bastard..."

     "I know, Casper, I know." He gives his hand a reassuring pat and the boy cries for real. "I know."

The Demon BoyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora