First day of season at ALDC PART 2

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Kaylahni Angel Monty POV:

I walked over to the circle the moms were standing at and I hugged everyone tightly. "hi, hey" everyone said as I walked over. "So, what did I miss" I asked smiling. Ashley looked down mad.

"Well Sarah and Michelle said they might not be coming if Lai is here" Gia's mom said. "why" I asked shaking my head with my arms out. "didnt you see the post" Hannah's mom added. "no, I dont follow her. what did it say" I asked confused. Brady's mom pulled her phone out and read the posts. "Well for one this is what Michelle posted. It says 'Dear world, I cannot bare to see my poor child feel defeated over and over again as she is put against a child 10x better in technique than her. I'm sorry to say that. I love Lai very much, I'm sure everyone does but I dont want it to happen again next season. xoxo Michelle". I was shocked and dumbfounded. "So Lai is a threat to her daughter." I said and everyone nodded in agreement. "Definitely" Paris's mom said.

"and here's what Sarah had to say. it says: 'I dont ask to be put up against Lai every time in a solo or a duet. I hate it. its torture. and she has no empathy for me. when I had many breakdowns she ever once apoligised for putting me through it. it was her fault. I dont like the way her mom saved me from leaving one week and then the next weeks fought my mom over things she couldn't control. we're no longer friends and I dont care about her or her mom. xoxo Sarah" Brady's mom added.

I just shook my head and slurped on my drink. "all they want is drama, that's on them" I said raising my eyebrows.

*interview room*

Kaylahni: of course Lai is a threat to Sarah. I mean, look at the way she dances and look at how Sarah dances. they can't even compare. if I was Michelle I would push my child to be better than the top dancer instead of quitting and letting them be defeated. Michelle doesn't care about how Sarah dances. she cares about if she beats lai and that's been very clear throughout last season.

*end of interview room*

"lets go in ladies" Elliana's mom said. as usual the moms went and stood in the front room and the girls and Brady went to the dancers den and got settled. as the kids were walking past us I tapped Lai Lai's shoulder and gave her the dance bag. "thanks" she whispered as she smiled. I smiled back and waved.


we all walked into the dancers den and put our bags down. we got out our drink bottles and our headshots then went into studio B to stretch.

on my side of the line was Brady, Lilliana, Me, Paris and Gianina in that order. the others were on the other side. we all had our phones out and listened to music with our headphones. I had my AirPods out and put one in. I listened to "Time I'm on by Youngboy Never Broke Again" but the clean version.

"Alaiiä, can I ask you the most obvious question here" Pressley said out of nowhere. "sure" I said in an innocent voice. everybody paused there music and looked between us.

"so for one, why dont you have any sort of remorse for Sarah and two why didnt you talk to neither me or Sarah during the summer break" she said with an attitude. "Well, I dont know why Sarah and her mom are mad at me, I just win and I feel like they're both jealous and two why would I talk to you guys when you constantly run to the internet with lies about me and my mom, just saying Pressley, think about that" I said innocent in a soft voice.

we could here the moms outside shushing each other and listening in. "Well, her and her mom are not jealous AT ALL, and we went to the internet about our feelings not lies" she yelled. 

" because you, Sarah and her mother said that I was the reason for her panic attacks. there's no lie Sarah is a great dancer, so why should she feel threatened by me. her mother claims she had all this experience and blah blah blah about her technique. the so called 'panic attacks' she had was the pressure her OWN mother put on her, not me" I said as I got up and walked out frustrated.

Kentrell, Kaylahni, Allaiä and dance momsWhere stories live. Discover now