CHAPTER 186- Drunkenness

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"You can hardly figure out what he is like. Tender, overbearing, meticulous, flirtatious, self-abandoned, unfaithful, arbitrary, cynical, talented and mischievous......All in all, he has a great many sides. As time goes by, you will find that he can hardly make you feel confident no matter what you do. When Pretty Woman was put on show, I felt that I had made it and become a Hollywood star. I had really made it, had not I? Elizabeth ......" Julia squinted her eyes and showed a lack of confidence. She kept muttering to Elizabeth by her side, her eyes showing a bit of confusion and adoration that were hard to conceal. The complex feelings she was harboring could even be told by Elizabeth, a girl who was not so familiar with Julia.

"Of course, Julia, you did make it," Elizabeth answered. Sensing Julia's drunkenness, Elizabeth knew that the girl must be stopped from drinking more. Then she quickly grabbed the glass from Julia and beckoned the server to bring a glass of juice instead.

Eric had just revealed Elizabeth's identity and this could negatively influence her relations with Julia. Fortunately, her sincere apology comforted Julia and the influence soon disappeared. However, Eric's words left Julia quite unhappy. The girl kept on drinking wine and got drunk in the end. Maybe it was due to her drunkenness that she was gradually opening up to Elizabeth and began to share the stories between her and Eric.

Julia dizzily took the glass from Elizabeth and gulped down the juice, having no idea that the wine had already been replaced. Then she continued to mutter in a half-drunk state:"I......I thought I had made it. Then I was invited to play in a large number of films and all of them promised the remuneration of millions of dollars. I had never thought about this before. But......That hateful jerk turned them down without even consulting me first. I was in a rage and came to reason with him, only to find myself scolded harshly. He did not stop until I burst out crying. Hum, I was always trying to show more confidence in front of him, but a single word or a simple look of him would totally belittle my achievements. Now he has even made it hard for me to get a boyfriend. When I am trying to develop a romantic relationship with a boy, Eric's image will appear before me and the good impression of the boy will be ruined. "

Julia took another gulp of juice, her eyes half open. Suddenly she mocked herself by laughing aloud:"But......But he has just said this has nothing to do with Julia. Nothing! Nothing! What a jerk, haha......"

Julia kept on muttering, showing a tendency to act out of control.

"Let's forget about it, Julia. You are drunk now and I had better drive you home." Elizabeth sensed the tendency and tried to persuade her tenderly. If someone was drunk, the best way to help them was to humor and coax their will.

"Yes, go home. I want to go home. I don't want to see that jerk anymore," Julia stood up suddenly, only to find herself falling down the sofa with dizziness. Elizabeth rushed to hold her. Not until Julia regained her consciousness did Elizabeth help her stand up slowly.

Alan found Eric who was talking with Herbert Ross and whispered by Eric's ear. Eric looked at the gate of the banquet hall and excused himself before going in that direction. Soon he saw Julia and Elizabeth there.

"What's the matter, Julia? Why have you drunk so much?" Eric felt dissatisfied. He looked at the girl supported by Elizabeth and then looked around, as if looking for somebody. After a while, he asked Julia in disappointment:"Where is Alison?"

Alison was no other than the petite assistant of Julia. The girl had a freckled face and always kept Julia company.

"Leave......Leave me alone! I can drink as I please." Julia saw Eric appearing before her and shook her arm violently. Her voice was getting much higher:"You are trying to lesson me again! Who gives you the right?"

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