{20} They're Having A...?

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His statement caused Celeste's cheeks to turn a deep shade of rose-red as she snorted. "Yeah, sure."

"Hey, I'm serious." Michael's voice remained soft, but gained even more sincerity as he uttered those words. He then began planting signs of his love with soft kiss down Celeste's jaw and all the way down her neck, causing her to giggle lightly, which was practically music to his ears. "You're the most beautiful person I've ever known."

Celeste turned around to embrace him fully, taking in his scent that never failed to instantly comfort her. "Thank you," she said honestly, her voice muffled from Michael's shirt. "I can definitely say the same for you." She pulled away from him gently, seeing him blush before she giggled softly. "It's times like this, where hearing that means a lot."

Her voice began to crack at her last few words, and that alarmed Michael to take her hands quickly in his and lock gazes with her. "Hey, hey, hey," he started, his tone showing each ounce of care that he held. He led her to the living room area, sitting her down before interrogating her. "What's the matter?"

"I guess...ever since I've started showing more, I don't feel like myself," Celeste admitted with her tone low.

"How so?" Michael questioned further, wiping the fallen tears from Celeste's cheeks.

"I just mean that everything's changing," Celeste continued on as she took a deep breath to regain her composure. "I've always been the independent type of person, you know that." Michael nodded to confirm her statement. "But, having to have things done for me is something I'm going to need to get used to, and—"

"If you're referring to what happened earlier with the latter incident," Michael cut her off quickly, empathy being the main thing present in his voice. "I hope you know that I wasn't trying to control you. I'm just really protective over you both." He ran his hand over Celeste's stomach that was bearing the second love of his life, leaning down to kiss it softly.

"I know, and I'm so grateful for that," Celeste assured him in a murmur. "And it's not just that." Michael gave her a look that she took as her signal to continue further. "Nothing fits me anymore, either, and I know that I should be grateful that my body's even able to create a baby, so I feel bad for complaining."

Michael's gaze held as much sympathy as he could possibly have. "Baby, just because you're able to do something that a lot of women can't doesn't mean that there still aren't hardships that come along with it," he told her with a reassuring tone. "But, just remember this, although your body may be changing and things are different, it's the universe's way of making its mark on the fact that you, Celeste Jackson, grew a child!" he exclaimed proudly. "That's pretty damn incredible if you ask me."

Celeste let out a short giggle, but still felt the pang of sadness in her heart. "That means a lot," she said sincerely. "Thank you." She hesitated her next words. "But, what if when I get bigger, you lose your attraction for me."

Michael's jaw practically hung open. "That could never happen, don't you know that?" he asked seriously. "If anything, I've never felt more attracted to you. Like I said, growing a human is hard work, but seeing how well you're handling it makes me admire you more than I ever thought I could."

"Really?" Celeste whispered, her sad tears exchanged with those of gratitude.

Michael smiled brightly at her, releasing one of her hands to stroke her hair gently. "Absolutely," he stated.

With Michael's words and Celeste's ever-growing hormones, she pressed her lips against his in one the most passionately affectionate kisses they'd ever had. She wanted to return his words in the best way she could, and when she saw the satisfied look on Michael's face once they pulled away, she knew that she'd gotten her point across to him.

"How do you feel?" Michael asked curiously. "Better, I hope."

"So much better," Celeste breathed. "And I'm not going stress anymore."

Michael's smile got even bigger at that. "I'm so glad," he said truthfully. "Feeling that way is completely normal, but I'm glad I was able to ease your mind."

Celeste smiled gratefully, pitching Michael's cheek with gratitude. He blushed in response, and when they heard a few knocks at the door, they knew that a few of the guests had already arrived.

Before opening the door, the couple prepared themselves to make this the best baby shower possible; not just for themselves, but for the sake of their unborn child.


It was after many heartfelt moments, activities that had ever-growing smiles persisting on everyone's faces, and conversations that had Michael and Celeste more joyful than ever that the moment they'd awaited was finally here. They didn't even bother trying to hide their excitement.

"Alright, everyone," Janet announced loudly, using a utensil to lightly tap on her glass. Michael slightly chuckled from beside Celeste, watching as Janet's actions mimicked those of someone much older than her. "I know that everyone's been waiting for this moment—" She paused as her eyes landed on the anxious Michael and Celeste. "—especially, Michael and Celeste."

"On with it," Michael muttered under his breath, causing Celeste to snort.

Despite how low Michael spoke, Janet was able to pick it up. "Alright, alright," she joked. "It makes me very excited and pleased to say that it's finally time for the gender reveal." The small crowd of people clapped their hands together at her words. "Once they take off their robes, automatic stink bombs will go off, revealing the gender."

Michael anxiously yet excitedly played with the belt of his white, cloth robe, and he watched Celeste do the same. As soon as he heard everyone start counting down until the moment he'd know the gender of his child, his heart nearly stopped.

When the countdown got even closer to being finished, Michael and Celeste started getting ready to allow the stink bombs to reveal what Celeste carried right in her stomach.

"Three, two, one!" Just as the final words fell from everyone's lips, Michael and Celeste's opened their robes to finally reveal what they'd been anticipating.

Rose-pink fog filled the air around them, and as soon as they were able to properly realize what that meant, Michael and Celeste wasted no time before joining in a loving embrace. Despite the cheering going on around them, it felt as if they were the only two people in the room as the fog of the gender of their child spiraled around them.

Michael pulled Celeste's head gently towards his, letting it rest against his. They looked far beyond each other's gazes, simply taking in the peaceful moment they wished wouldn't end. Their lips finally met in an affectionate kiss as a volcanic eruption of butterflies exploded in both of their stomachs. They lingered in their pure ecstasy for a while longer before pulling away, only leaving a bit of space between them.

Michael placed his hand on Celeste's bump as he rested his head against hers in a comforting manner. "It's official," he murmured. "We're having a girl—a daughter."

"I can't believe it." Celeste could barely utter those words without her strong emotions consuming her. "I love you so much," she confessed. "So, so much."

"I love you more," Michael responded honestly. "Thank you for getting me to this place in my life."

Although all of their guests were still gathered around them, Michael and Celeste's eyes stayed glued to each other. They were the axis to each other's entire worlds. The amount of love they had wouldn't stop giving, and their hearts would only continue to become even fuller once their daughter arrived.


Oh my goodness, I had SO much fun writing this chapter. Please, let me know how you liked it! On a less positive note, it saddens me to say that the next chapter will be our last, and then an epilogue. This has been my favorite story I've ever written thus far, and you guys made the experience all the more enjoyable! I love you all so much, and thank you for everything!

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