Morning, dove, just swinging home real quick to freshen up. Be back at 9.

Her heart skips a beat. How proud must he be for figuring out he could change her nickname from Daph to dove. She frowns at the second half of the first sentence. Something feels odd about it, but she doesn't know what. She shakes the feeling and starts typing.

Morning! Did you have breakfast yet or am I making us some?

She stares at her screen for a minute as drowsiness catches up with her again. She sits up straight when he starts typing. She pulls in her legs and impatiently waits for his message.

F o o d !

She chortles and gets up, making her way to the bedroom as she types.

Bacon and eggs?

This time she doesn't have to wait for long. The same reply pops up immediately.

F o o d !

She holds her head with her free hand and smiles. He's such an idiot.

Be warned, I'm not a chef.

Dw, my aunt isn't a chef either. I love her but she can't cook.

Before Daphne can reply, he quickly sends another text.

Please don't tell her I said that.

Daphne grabs a towel and fresh underwear and presses it against her body under her arm so she can still type with two hands. She has a bit of time to freshen up before she has to start making breakfast for them.

My lips are sealed.

She sends him a few fitting emojis and puts her phone on the little shelf above the sink. She runs some hot water and washes her face. Her thoughts wander to what she's going to be doing today. More studying. Yay. She dries her face in the towel she grabbed and looks at her reflection in the mirror. At least Peter will be there to help her. She doesn't think she's ever understood physics as well as she does now. All thanks to him and his incredible patience with her. She washes herself quickly and changes into a clean pair of sweatpants and a loose-fitting shirt.

The bell rings. Daphne turns off the stove and walks to the intercom.
"Hiya!" She says cheerily.
"Hey, I'm back!" Peter's panting. Did he run here? "Sorry, I'm a little late! Had to take... Uh... A detour. Some thugs were holding hostages downtown and it messed up all the trains." Daphne hesitates. Her mind races back to her early morning thought flow. One word keeps repeating itself in her mind. Secret. She brings herself back to reality by shaking her head.
"Come on in!" She presses the buzzer and opens the front door. She heads back to the kitchen and puts the bacon and eggs on plates.

Suddenly, two arms wrap around her and a warm body is pressed against hers. The familiar presence makes her sigh contently.
"Smells good," Peter mumbles in her ear.
"I did my best," Daphne smiles as she places a hand on top of his arm.
"You're the best."
"Oh, shush." She wiggles free from his grasp and walks to the front door to close it. When she turns back to Peter, she notices he's wearing a Midtown Tech hoodie. He follows her gaze down to his chest. He scratches the back of his head and laughs apologetically.
"Figured it'd bring good luck."
"Let's hope it does." She steps towards him and lets her hands ghost over the school's logo. She then looks up to meet his gaze. He smiles softly at her, reassuring her that he's going to be there with her every step of the way. She cocks her head confidently and nods. "Let's fucking do this."


At nine o'clock at night, Derek unlocks the front door. He's surprised to find Peter still tutoring Daphne and he wonders if he ever left the house. Peter's different outfit makes Derek sigh in relief. He didn't sleep over. Peter's wearing a T-shirt right now. His school hoodie was discarded when they discussed the topic of motion. It lies on the chair next to the TV.
"Dad!" Daphne jumps up from the couch and practically throws herself against her father. "You're back!"
"Finally," he groans. "I love those animals, but they don't do all that much. 'Specially when they're sick." He throws his bag in the corner and doesn't even bother hanging up his coat. He embraces his daughter. "I would love that slice of cheesecake now, if you don't mind." He glances up to meet Peter's eyes.
"Yes, sir." Peter gets up immediately and awkwardly shuffles to the kitchen.
"Sorry, I couldn't wait. I had mine yesterday." Daphne pouts dramatically at her father, knowing he doesn't mind anyways.
"S'okay, Daph. I'm gonna run a bath real quick. How's the studying coming along?"
"We're just going over everything one more time now." Daphne smiles wide. She places her hands on her hips and her eyes beam with confidence. "I'm ready for anything!"
"That's amazing, kid." He pats her head and grins. "Was Pete of any help?" Daphne laughs.
"I'd still be on chapter one if it weren't for him."


Daphne cleans up Peter's glass. He left ten minutes ago. It's just past eleven. When Derek came home, Peter became incredibly awkward for some reason. Daphne guesses it's because they've been so close all weekend. Peter hasn't really touched her since her father came home. All he gave her was a hug, that felt just a little too short for her liking, right before he left. Her father went to bed the second Daphne closed the door behind Peter. He was exhausted, but didn't want her and Peter to spend a second by themselves anymore. His supervision made it all a little embarrassing, but she can't hate him for being protective of her. Even if it was a little too late. She chuckles. Daphne can already hear him snoring. She closes the science textbook when she spots Peter's school hoodie, still on the chair. She frowns. It's mid-October. Did he really go out without his hoodie? She grabs her phone and texts him.

Aren't you cold?

She tosses her phone on the couch and continues tidying up. She puts the dishes in the sink, but before she turns on the tap, she hears her phone buzz. She drops herself onto the couch and unlocks her phone.

No? Why?

Daphne scoffs and types.

It's like, 50 degrees outside. Your hoodie is still here!

She sucks on her teeth as she thinks. A mischievous grin grows on her face and she grabs the hoodie from the chair. She hides her face in it. It smells like him. Safe. She doesn't hesitate and puts it on. It's a little big on her, but it feels like he has his arms wrapped around her again. She sighs with her eyes closed, enjoying the moment. After a second or two she grabs her phone again. He hasn't replied yet, which is a little odd, as he's online. She holds the phone up and takes a selfie, making sure the logo on the hoodie is in frame. She squeezes her eyes shut and scrunches her nose as she smiles wide. She knows she always second guesses selfies, so she decides to not even look at it and just send it with the caption "See?". It doesn't take long for him to reply this time.

Looks good on you. Let's get you one in your size tomorrow!

He still hasn't given her a proper explanation as to why he can juts walk out in just a T-shirt during fall, but she finds herself not caring about that anymore. At least not right now. A warm, fuzzy feeling spreads through her body. Did he leave it for her on purpose? She wants to be swallowed whole by the hoodie. Relish in it. In him. He's going to have to get another one, cause she's keeping this one. She makes her way to her bedroom and turns off the lights, forgetting about the dishes. After brushing her teeth, she climbs into bed and looks at her phone one more time.

Thanks again, Pete. See you tomorrow! Night!

She attaches a heart emoji and hits send before she knows it. She panics for a second. She just sent him a heart! He doesn't keep her waiting for a reply, though.

Night, dove. Hope you sleep well.

She stares at the emoji he put in his reply. She takes a very slow, very deep breath. Her heart flutters and she squeals quietly, pressing her phone against her chest. He sent her a heart too.

Pointe Shoes and Spider WebsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora