Ch. 2: Crash Landing

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Windu: Hang on, (L/N)!

    The spacecraft was entering orbit of the green and blue planet hot and fast. Mace Windu feared this would happen after realizing how low they were on fuel. Still, he was determined to keep himself and (Y/N) alive.

    As the ship grew closer and closer to the strange planet, Windu reached out with the Force and began pulling the nose of the ship very slowly up. The scene approaching below them was a forest with what looks to be a large pond not far off to the north of where they were. Mace then had an idea.

Windu: (Y/N), while I focus on slowing our decent, you try guiding the thrusters towards that body of water!

    Without a comment, the Padawan ran towards the controls and pushed as hard as he could towards the lake. (Y/N) was able to get the ship kn the edge of the lake before the ship "landed". A gigantic splash and rumble shook the ground and created waves in the water. The impact of the crash sent the two flying forward, but used the Force to soften their own landing.

Windu: (L/N), are you okay?

(Y/N): I'm alright, Master.

T3-F5: Beep beep.

    Out from the back came T3-F5, a T3-series astromech droid the duo picked up on the planet Tython.

    They had stopped by Tython because it was the only planet close and semi on the way to the Unknown Regions

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    They had stopped by Tython because it was the only planet close and semi on the way to the Unknown Regions. They had hoped to find some fuel, bit were driven away by the Flesh Raiders. The droid had found it's  way on their ship when they escaped and had imprinted on (Y/N). (Y/N) and T3 have become close since then.

(Y/N): You can say that again, T3. You okay, you're not injured are you?

T3-F5: Beeeep beep!

    T3 responded in what sounded very "humbled" droidspeech. (Y/N) had a good laugh, but Windu held a hand up to silence them.

Windu: We survived the crash, but we don't know where we are or if this planet contains any sentients. You two stay on the ship while I go out to scout. Do not let anyone or anything on the speech, understand?

(Y/N): Yes, Master.

T3-F5: Beep beep, beep beeeep!

    The youngling tried suppressing a smile as Windu just ignored the droids comment and headed out. When he opened the hatch, he found the ship slightly submerged in water. He had to wade through the water waist deep and quickly have his Padawan close the door to stop water from entering. Then he set out to find what this world had in store for them.


Hero: I'm telling you, it came from the sky and landed somewhere in the forest! It looked like a spaceship!

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