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I went outside the hospital to buy some medicines for papa. I walked into another alley way because it's much faster. 'Geez, I really need to stop going to alley ways something bad always happens.' I thought. Suddenly, I stepped into a frickin wine bottle in the floor.

I closed my eyes and prepared myself to fall flat at the floor, but I didn't actually fall on the floor. I was actually floating?! I turned to my back and it was a lady with golden hair and white eyes. She was wearing a greek clothing while she was wearing a flower crown. "Is this--?! My stand?!?!" I shouted in surprise while looking at my stand.

"Can you...put me down?" I said to my stand. I then fell on my butt on the floor. I stood up and cleaned my pants as I looked at my stand. "So, my stand can make anything float? Cool! Just like Ochaco." I said as I observe my stand. "What should I call you....." I said as I put my index finger and thumb under my chin.

"Oh! Heavenly means Celeste in Italian and you look like you fell from heaven so...I'll call you Celeste." I said. After that I went outside the alley way like nothing has happened. I went to the pharmacy store and grabbed the medicine I needed. I then went my way downtown. While walking to another alley way I saw a familiar blonde boy walked passed me. "Yo, Giorno." I said. The boy then turned around.

"Where were you after lunch? I was expecting to see you." Giorno asked. "Sorry, it was an emergency." I said. "I gotta go now." I said trying to walk away at the awkward conversation we're having. "Wait, why don't we exchange numbers since I think we're gonna be really close since we do seat beside each other at class." He said.

"Oh, uhm, sure." I said as I tear a paper of my notebook full of my drawings. Giorno then saw my drawings as I tear the paper off. "Your drawings are pretty just like you." Giorno said as he try to flirt with me. "Oh, shush you're just flirting with me. I look like a gremlin." I said as I write me number on the paper.

I gave Giorno a paper and wrote his number o it. "I'm not flirting with you. It's a fact." He said as he gave me the paper with his number on it. I felt my cheeks heating up as my cheeks turned light pink. We then parted ways. I was about to leave the alley way when another wine bottle tried to trip me again. "Celeste!" I shouted as my stand appeared and used it's powers to make me float so I wouldn't fall flat at the ground.

"You had a stand?" Giorno said as he looked at me in disbelief. "No?" I lied even though it's very obvious. Giorno raised his brow in disbelief. "Ok, fine, I have. Her name is Celeste." I said as Celeste put me back to the ground. "I assume you also have one? Since you can see mine." I said.

"Yes, I do have one his name is Gold Experience." He said as he summon Gold Experience. I let out a 'Ooh, cool.' As I look at his stand. "Anyway, I gotta go. My papa needs his medicine now so, bye." I said as I ran away. I went back to papa's room and saw that mom was already there. I quietly placed the mesicine on the table and left the room not wanting to third wheel my parents.

I pulled out my mp3 player and put on my headphones and listened for some music. While walking and not paying attention to where I was going I bumped into a guy and I fell on my butt. I let out a small 'oof' as I fell. "I'm really sorry, miss." The guy said as he helped me get up. "It's okay really. It was my fault I wasn't paying attention on where I was going." I said while I cleaned the dust off my pants. "Here, I'll treat you some food." The man said.

I looked up to see that the man that I bumped into was Guido Mista.

<<To Be Continued<<<<<

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