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POV: Fendrel

Fendrel sat with his legs dangling over a rocky cliff, remnants of tears still stuck to his face. He sniffled and wiped his nose with his fist. Only six years old and he was already learning how cruel humans could be, how cruel his father could be.

Waves pounded against the cliff several feet below. Small showers of salt water sprayed up to douse his shoes.

He never liked his father, but how that man treated his mother only solidified his feelings.

Gentle footsteps crept over the pebbles of the cliff top toward Fendrel. The one approaching sat down next to him.

The woman sighed. "He's a real pain, isn't he?"

Fendrel didn't meet her eyes.

"Hey." She tapped his nose. "I know you're not angry enough to not talk to me."

The corners of Fendrel's mouth twitched.

"I see that smile." She pulled him into a hug.

Fendrel's muffled laugh betrayed him. He wrapped his arms around his mother.

"Don't ever let him steal your happiness, okay?" She pulled his face away from her neck and looked into his eyes.

Fendrel placed his hands over his mother's. He nodded.

A large wave crashed into the cliff, showering both of them in salt water.

His mother grabbed his hand. "Come on, love. Let's go somewhere dry."


Fendrel's groggy eyes opened. He sat up and stretched. Everyone else was still asleep.

The sky began to light up.

Maybe I can go to Stone Edge while the others are sleeping. I should probably let Venom know first.

Fendrel crept over to Venom and gently nudged his snout.

Venom opened his eyes. "Hm?"

"Can we meet up at the Black-Brick Ruins? I want to return this to Stone Edge." Fendrel took Axella's headstone out of his bag.

The dusk dragon took a moment to respond. "Take Fog with you just in case you need healing, but don't let her get hurt." He yawned and went back to sleep.

Fendrel stepped toward the vapor dragon, careful of where he placed his feet. He knelt down beside Fog's head. "Fog."

Fog huffed and rolled over, tossing her wings over her head.

Sighing, Fendrel moved toward her head again. He snapped near her ear. "Hey, fluffy. Wake up."

"What? What happened?" Fog grumbled. "It's still dark out."

Fendrel lifted her wings off of her face.

Fog groaned. "It's too early for thinking." She brought her wings back to shield her face.

"I'm going to Stone Edge to return my mother's headstone." Fendrel rubbed his thumb over the scratched-on letters. "Would you come with me?"

She set her wings at her sides and her eyes lit up. "Yes, please. But why me when you can ask anyone?"

Fendrel shrugged. "Venom... he suggested you go with me."

"Oh." Fog stood. "That was nice of him."

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