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As Giorno finished his introduction it was your turn. Your classmates doesn't even bother to give attention to you since they've known you as the 'quiet kid'. So I just went in front thinking that no one was paying attention to me and just say what I have to say.

"I'm Y/n L/n, and I'll be glad to be your classmate this year." I said and fast walked back to my seat because you don't want to stay in front of the class for a long time. After that the class went on.

While I was taking notes and slightly drawing some doodles of characters in part 3. "Psst! Pssst!" I turned to my right to see that it was Giorno again. "Hm?" I said looking at the boy. "Let's eat together, later." He said. After that he continued on writing down notes like nothing happened.

I looked at my notebook as I feel my cheeks feeing really hot. I covered my face with my hands as I try to cool myself again. 'I'm so luckyyyyy! First of all I got reborn to the jojo universe, second of all Giorno becomes my classmate!!! Y/n! Stop! Stop! Stop fangirling.' I thought as I put my hands on my cheeks as I look at Giorno in the reflection of the window.

After a few classes it was lunch time. It was the time I was suppose to meet up with Giorno. I walked through the noisy corridors. When suddenly my phone rang. It was from my mom. "Hello?" I asked. "Y/n dear, can you come to the hospital your dad isn't feeling well again." My mom said in a very worried tone.

I quickly hanged up and asked the teachers permission to go and take care of my very sick father. I then went out and ran to the hospital mom said me to go. My dad had been diagnose with cancer since I was twelve. My big brother is the one that gives me, mom and dad the money that we need.

That's why i am studying real hard to get a job real soon since I can't just depend to my big brother forever. He'll have a family and leave us for good. I shook my head as I think of some postive stuff as I ran to my father's room.

"Ma, is papa alright?" I asked as I open the door. "He's a bit sick for now. The doctors said he'll recover for a few more days." Mom said. "I need you to take care of your father today. I've got something to take care of." Mom said as she grabbed her bag. I sat beside papa while catching my breath from running.

"When will you be back, Ma?" I asked. My mom didn't respond. 'Mom looked so serious.' I thought as I gripped at the bottom of my shirt. Mom just looked at me and smiled. "Just take care of your father for me, Y/n dear." Mom said. She then left the room.

'I wonder where mom is going...' I thought. I felt an arm hold my hand. I quickly looked behind me because of my reflexes and saw that it was my dad. "Y/n..where's your brother?" Papa asked. "He's at work." I said giving my papa a smile.

"Y/n, I have something to tell something about you." Papa said in a serious tone. "What is it, Pa?" I asked. "When I met your mom in Sardinia she was already pregnant with you. She said the man that wa ssuppose to be your father left you and never left a single trace." Papa said.

"It's okay papa, what matters is we're together." I said giving him a genuine smile. "I feel like the luckiest father for being your dad." Papa said. "Well, you should be. It's my biological father's loss for not being able to raise me." I said cheering papa.

<<To Be Continued<<<<<

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