09 - azog

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We were running again. I had a slight feeling who that figure was. Thorins enemy. Azog the defiler. The pale orc on the back of his white warg. They have found us. Thorin was wrong, he didn't die, he very much alive, and now seeking the price of Thorins head.

We came upon pine trees were Gandalf instructed for us to climb. I got a head start climbing as I was truly scared out of my mind. I have never faced such a dangerous beast before.

Thorin was close behind me climbing. Once at the top, I saw as Thorin peered out from the branched to take a good look at the enemy.

There he was. Azog. He was speaking in his orcish language to the other orc riders. Then he pointed at Thorin. I grabbed Thorins hand, who looked at me with shock in his face.

"Whatever you do, do not leave this tree," Thorin instructed me. I blinked and before my eyes, I saw Thorin descend the tree, his blade in hand and a wooden oak branch as his shield and was now facing his long time enemy.

Yelling out his name, I scream fowl words at him, dared him to take another step forwards and turn back and come to me to safety. But he didn't listen. He would fight his enemy as he did the last time and will strike him down successfully this time round.

While Thorin charges at Azog, the wargs and their riders approach the trees and try to rid us off one by one. I took it upon my self to shoot arrows at the ugly things, killing each one, one by one. Somehow the dwarves had started throwing pine cones covered in fire which I realized came from the wizard. The trees were now blazing with fire. Just beyond Thorin was fighting Azog.

I watched as Thorin took many swings at the pale orc, and then he slipped. Was knocked back onto his back. I screamed out his name. A deafening scream that got me to my feet.

I couldn't just watch him die. I cared for the dwarf. I was starting to have feelings for him. Feelings I dare to say at the moment but they are true.

I start down the tree. My bow in hand and my daggers at the ready if need be. I hear Bilbo yell my name to come back but I tune him out and start towards Thorin. The remaining orc riders come at me but I'm quick to shoot them down with my arrows.

"Women, what are you doing, I told you not to leave that tree," I hear Thorin talking to me.

"I'm don't easily listen dwarf," I call back to him and with that I shoot an arrow at the white warg. It hisses out in pain and is now facing me, it's rider not looking happy.

"Stuzor. Liga. Mat (weak. Small. Die)," growled Azog who then a top his warg came running at me. I dodged its first attack on me and switched weapons to my daggers where I then deflected a blow from Azog. He was strong which sent me stumbling back. I regained my footing and charged back at him, cursing his name and for hurting Thorin, and slash my weapons first across the length of the warg, then jump upon the wargs back to slice at Azog from behind before jumping away out of their way from attacking me again.

Azog winced in pain, but it barely scratched him and his thick skin.

"Kigija olk skagza (that did not hurt)," Azog chimes and I saw a grin cross his face. He took this as a game.

"You will not hurt Thorin or this company any more," I threatened the orc and stepped closer to Thorin as he stepped closer to me.

"Keena, get away from him. You're going to get hurt," I heard Thorin reach out to me, he still lay on the ground helpless.

"I have to protect you," I reply, tears streaming am down my face. I'm rather emotional. Seeing Thorin in such a state, seeing the other dwarves and Bilbo in fear as they hang from a falling tree, it got to me. Tears have fallen.

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