TwentyThree - I Love You Too

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Saying that we ran to Neibolt street would be under exaggerating, we all but sprinted towards the street until the street sign came into view.

All the flashbacks come back when we see that house, that house that consumed our summer twenty seven years ago.

We reach the house just as Bill was walking up the steps towards the entrance.

"Bill!" I exclaim, running closer and closer to him. Bill turns around at the mention of his name, looking at all six adults charging towards him.

"I started all of this, this fucking thing that's inside you all. It all started when I took you guys to the barrens when the o-only thing I cared a-about was finding g-georgie." Bill stutters out, begging all of us not to follow him into the house.

"I'm gonna go into the house and I'm not sure what's going to happen and I can't ask you to do the-" bill stops, eyeing Beverly as she picks up the same rod she used twenty seven years ago to hit Pennywise.

In the corner of my eye I see the worried expression on everyone's face. Could we defeat It?

"Well, we're not asking you either" I say, picking up a wooden blank, Bill looks from Beverly to me shaking his head in disbelief.

"We weren't alone all those years ago" Ben states, more flashbacks appear in my brain from the last encounter with the old house.

Images of eddies arm flashes my mind, the way he yelled at me to get away, was Pennywise right when he said Eddie never loved me in the Derry dump?

"So we're not doing it alone now." Mike finishes as he looks at Bill. Water forms into bills eyes, scanning all of us.

The group goes quiet, I can't tell if no one knows what to say or we just want to hold off going into that house for a little longer.

"So, does anyone wanna say anything?" Eddie mumbles nervously, I look over to Eddie but he was already looking at me.... I wish I could kiss him just one more time.

"Richie said it best when we were here last" Bill half smiles, Richie looked at Bill with confusion, completely forgetting what he said twenty seven years ago.

I looked over at him and laugh, trust Richie to forgot things.

"I don't wanna die?" He questions, earning frowns from everyone.

"You're lucky we're not measuring dicks?" He asks, and I couldn't help but laugh remembering when Richie was mad he had to enter the house because he pulled out one of the smaller straws.

A flash of realisation merges on his face, a small smile of confidence creeps in his eyes.

"Let's kill this fucking clown?" Bill nods and a huge smile forms on Richie's face.

"Let's kill this fucking clown!" Richies eyes darken as he repeats the statement, we all looked at each other and without further question we all walked into the house.

The house looks exactly the same, even after all these years. The floorboards creak loudly under our shoes as we go deeper and deeper into the house. Flashlights shining on different objects as we continue searching.

"Well, I love what he's done with the place" Richie calls out from beside me, the outburst of his voice almost gives me a heart attack.

"Fuck you richie" I say, holding my hand to my chest.

"Beep beep, Richie" Beverly mutters, flashing her light at Richie. We all follow one by one as we walk down the narrow hallway of the house.

Stepping into the last room everything comes back, the room where Eddie fell from, where Pennywise slashed Ben's stomach, Richie snapping eddies arm back into place, all of these hurtful memories came back and I felt like I was going to be sick.

𝑶𝒍𝒅 ☆ Eddie KaspbrakWhere stories live. Discover now