Chapter 2

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It took an age to unpack our stuff but it went so quick because all me and Jennifer could think about were Danny and Paul. I check my green iPhone 5c and I realise it's 7:30pm already!
"Jen!" I shout, "we better start getting ready to see Danny and Paul, it's 7:30!"
I go into the bathroom and quickly do my hair and makeup. I throw on some blue skinnies, a Hollister top, a hoodie and my Vans then sit down on the couch waiting for Jennifer to be ready. 5 minutes later she comes in. She looks so pretty, her hair is brown, dip-dyed blonde, mines all blonde.
"Let's go then I guess." Jen says to me, so then we leave the apartment.

Danny's PoV
"Paul get over here the girls are at the door!" I yell in the direction of Paul's room.
"Just a sec,"
I open the door, and I honestly think that they both look adorable,"Hi guys, come in, you look nice by the way,"
"Awe thanks, you do too," Lizzie says her bright blue eyes catching mine briefly. She does look kinda cute and seems nice too."who's this?" She points out my stuffed tiger, "Oh," I laugh, "that Yolanda, I've had her a while, she's my girlfriend by the way,"
Just then Paul walks in,"No she's not, she's my girlfriend,"
"See this is how alone we are," I add.
Lizzie and Jennifer both laugh at us as we pretend to fight over Yolanda.
"Paul! Why don't you and Jennifer go pick some movies that we could watch out from your room, I'll put the pizza in the oven with Lizzie."
As me and Lizzie walk over to the kitchen area we talk about her and Jennifer moving in and about me and Paul. "You know," she begins with a sweet voice, "I think Jennifer may have a tiny crush on Paul, she wouldn't stop talking about him earlier, you have nice hair by the way."
"Oh erm, thanks, not many people think I do," I say awkwardly,"but Jennifer and Paul I think that could work," I wink at her.
"I wonder if we could work?" She says, "I guess we could," I reply with a smirk. "Well I hope we could."

Pol and Danneh- it was always themKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat