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Kaylin's pov:
"Hello." I say,I am currently sitting on the sofa watching Love and hip hop.

"Yo Kays what's up!" Justin's voice rang.

"Hey J. Nothing much."

"So have you got a date for the wedding?" He asks.

"Justin. I swear to you I'll try to find a date and if I don't that's that."

"Mhm sure. What about Daniel?" He asks. Daniel is my boyfriend.

"He's in Italy for the summer."

"Oh okay. Mhm sure. Anyways gotta go." Justin says,I roll my eyes.

"Bye Biebs."I say and I hear him chuckle.

"Bye Kardash." He says and then I hang up.

Hey bby. Whata doing.

Kay kay💖

Do you wanna get lunch with me and Nash?

Kay kay 💖
And be a thrid wheel? Hell nah.

Pleaseeee. Hayes will be there.

Kay kay 💖
I dunno.

Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please.

Kay kay 💋
Okay fine shut up.

Thx gorgeous.*Address*

Kay kay💖
Yeah whatever. I'll see you in 5.

See ya love.

Kay kay💖
Bye bby.

"Hey mom! I'm going to lunch with Karmen and Nash."I say heading to the door

"Alright love see you when you get back." Mom says from her room.

"Bye momma. Love you."

"Bye sweets. Love you too." She says and I get in my car and drive to the restaurant. When I get out of the car paparazzi swarms me.


"How's that boy your seeing?"

"What's happing between Kourtney and Scott?" One of them asks. I shove the camera from my face.

"Leave me alone."I say entering the restaurant.

"KAYLIN! KAYLIN! OVER HERE!" Karmen shouts making Nash slapping his forehead,I giggle and walk to the table.

"Hey weirdo. Wassup Nash,Hayes."I say,Karmen giggles and hugs me. I pull away and hug Nash and Hayes.

"Hey Kays." Nash says.

"Hi Kay." Hayes says,I smile and sit down.

"How is Daniel doing?" Hayes asks and I smile softly.

"He's good. Just bored outta of his mind."I say and they laugh.

"So Kaylin do you have a date for Justin's wedding yet?" Karmen asks. I groan and throw my head back.

"Fuck you Karms."I say and they all laugh. The waitress comes and takes our orders.

"I'll have Macaroni and cheese with a coke."I say. She nods and leaves.

"Hey heres a crazy idea-" Karmen starts.

"Karmen." Nash warns but she didn't listen.

"Why don't you and Hayes go together?" Karmen asks.

"Yeah why not?"I ask.

"What?!" They all shout shocked.

"As long as my mom,Justin and Kris get outta my ass it's alright." I say,Karmen squeals and starts talking about double dating and shit.

Nash and Karmen went to the salad bar so it was only me and Hayes.

"Kay you don't have to do if you don't want to." Hayes says.

"Hayes it's cool honest and besides your doing me a favour. Just imagine this,a hot yourself in a adorable tux and an okay me in an okay dress."

"An okay you? Kays your beautiful actually gorgeous." He says and my face goes red.

"Thanks Hayes." I say drinking my coke.

"It's true." He smiles and send one back.

Daughter of Kourtney Kardashian.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu