Chapter 7

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Izuku's POV~

We weren't upstairs for long before Todoroki and Kacchan showed up. They knocked lightly on the door, leading me to believe Todoroki was the one knocking, and Kami went to let them in. Todoroki was holding a bowl of something and Kacchan had a glass of milk. 

They both walked over to the bed where I was seated and sat down in front of me, while my mates where on either side of me. "I made you some tomato soup. I know it isn't the best tasting or the most fun thing to eat, but it'll be light on your stomach and hopefully you can keep all of it down. The milk won't be as easy for you, but I need you to try and drink all of it okay? It'll help in the long run." Todoroki said, handing me the bowl. 

I cautiously took it from his hands and grabbed onto the spoon. I took a few bites and it was definitely easier to eat than the Katsudon. That didn't mean I just magically finished all of it, no sweat, but I was able to get more down before I started to feel sick. "You don't have to eat all of it, you already ate more than I was expecting." He said. He took the bowl back once I started to slow down. I didn't even really want him to take it, but he seemed to know how much I could handle better than myself. 

"Before he falls asleep tonight, make sure he drinks all of that. It doesn't have to be at once, that would make anyone sick, but he should finish it. He needs the calcium. Next time don't make him something that will be so heavy on his stomach." Todoroki said, directing it at my mates. Then he looked at his own and said, "Don't force him to eat more than he's able to. No one will benefit if he eats everything and then hurls it all back up." 

Kacchan looked away from all of us. I knew he was feeling ashamed of himself for making me eat that much, but I didn't blame him. He was worried about me. How could I be mad about someone worrying? I do it all the time. 

I moved from where I was sitting, to where Kacchan was. I wrapped me arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug. "Don't feel bad Kacchan. It's okay. I'm okay." I said into his shoulder. He didn't say anything, but he did hug me back, so I knew he was going to be fine. 

My mates didn't like how long we were hugging apparently, because I felt a pair of hands grab my hips and pull me back. I ended up on Kiri's lap, so I knew he was the territorial alpha that was upset. I looked over at Kami and saw that he was vaguely annoyed with the contact I had with Kacchan, but he was also annoyed with Kiri. I'm not sure why, but he sent me an apologetic look. 

Todoroki and Kacchan left after that, both of them tired and wanting to get some sleep. Kiri, Kami, and I were left alone in Kiri's dorm. "You're a dick Eiji." Kami huffed. He pulled me out of our mates arms and into his own. 

Kiri looked at him, baffled. "Excuse me?" 

"You heard me, you're a dick. He was hugging his best friend because they both clearly needed it, and then you went all freak alpha. He may be our mate, but he's still his own person." Kami said heatedly.

They were fighting about me. Again. Why does it seem like I'm always the reason they fight? Why am I the strain on their relationship? That shouldn't be how this works. We should all be happy with each other, we're mates for crying out loud. I shouldn't be ruining that. 

"I know that, but I can't help that I'm territorial over our omega, it's instincts!" Kiri argued back. He didn't seem mad, just shocked that they were actually fighting about this right now.

"He's not territory!" Kami shot back. 

I was still in Kami's lap. We were both seated to face Kiri, who was only about two feet from us. Thankfully there were mates and weren't actually trying to fight each other, so they managed to keep their pheromones under control. I didn't want to have to deal with angry alpha pheromones twice in one day. 

"That's not what I meant and you know that! I'm just saying that I can't help it if I don't like my omega being touched by another alpha, especially with everything he's been through. It's just alpha genes." Kiri explained. He knew what he said was wrong, but he really wanted to get his point across to our other mate. 

Honestly, I was on Kiri's side. 

I know how alphas are. They don't want their omegas to even be anywhere near another alpha, let alone hug one. I knew that, and I still did it. It's my fault, not his. I should probably stay away from Kacchan and Todoroki now, and any other alpha in class. I don't want my mates to get mad anymore. 

"Hey dumbass, I'm an alpha too and you didn't see me pulling our mate away from his friend." Kami said. "There's a difference between an alpha that wants  to be friends with our omega and an alpha that wants our omega. You need to learn that."

Kiri stood up from the bed and started to pace. "Why is this suddenly such a big deal? We've always both been protective of him. Why are you freaking out now?" 

Kami gently moved me off his lap and stood up too. He walked over to Kiri, grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the room, leaving me to sit on the bed and finish Aladdin while the fought outside the door. I could still hear them, but I chose to ignore it. I didn't think the wanted me to hear.

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