A most beautiful sight

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Hawk has never laid eyes on a more beautiful sight, than his wife holding his babe in her arms. His heart melted with love, and everything inside him became slave to her. This giant Fay, swore to himself that from here on, she will be his queen, and he will worship her!

His golden eyes were misty, and he raised his head and looked around the room, "I will need time alone with my wife and child." He said hoarsely, "leave us."

Everyone understood Hawks need at this special moment, and one by one they filed out of there. Dora walked up to Lucious and motioned for him to get up, and exit the room.

"I will not leave Abby!" He told her firmly, and threw a sideway glance at Hawk.

Hawk understood exactly how Lucious felt, and was willing to make the exemption under the circumstances. "Leave him be Dora, Abby needs him." He told her softly.

Dora threw Lucious a cold look, before she hightailed it out of there. When everything goes back to normal, Dora thought angrily, I am going to give Lucious a piece of my mind!

Dora muttered something under her breath, as she closed the door behind her, and left. She had a full house today, and wanted to make sure that her hospitality was talked about for years to come. She gave orders to the witches to prepare an evening meal to feed all her guests, and then she brought a small barrel of ale to the sitting room where everyone sat. Pouring the liquor into the goblets, Dora passed them around the room to all the men, and watched as they eagerly swallowed it's contents, and waited for a refill.

Lidia and Kyra sat by Hilda, and demanded she tell them everything that they knew about today's ordeal. William paid careful attention to what was being told to his wife, and made sure that she was able to handle what Hilda was telling her. He did not want his wife to get over emotional, he knew that she was delicate with matters of the heart, and he will not have her suffering.

The rest of witches were quick to make dinner, to feed all the hungry Druids. The kitchen smelled of beef stew, and freshly baked bread. They whistled as they worked, excited that Nessa and the babe were doing well. Maya quickly zapped a pot with food, to speed up the cooking process, and wiped the happy tears from her eyes, before she walked out of the kitchen to set the table.

When the food was brought out in huge platters, and set on the long wooden table, the aroma of the cooked meal had everyone's mouths watering. Dora proudly called her guests to come sit around the table.

William pulled his wife to the dining area, wanting to make sure she eats all her food. With tender loving care he placed his wife in a chair, and sat next to her. Her eyes shined with tears when he placed a kiss on her plump lips, and whispered, "I love you"

Lidia blushed, knowing that her children heard William, and she lowered her eyes to her plate in front of her. Around the table, everyone looked at William, and sent him a grateful look, thanking him for taking extra good care of their mother.

"Please, may I ask that everyone joins in on a little prayer of thanks with us, before we start our meal?" Dora asked, as she looked around the table for everyone's attention. "Today we witnessed a miracle happen, right before our very eyes. Your GOD has bestowed many blessings upon your family, and we would like to thank HIM for it. In addition, we would like to claim your GOD as our too, and ask for your permission to attend the cathedral for Sundays worship if you all don't mind."

All the witches in the room gathered around Dora, and looked hopeful at the Druids for their acceptance. The Druids glanced at each other, and remained silent for a few minutes, until William stood, "In our FATHERS house, all who come in good faith are welcome, no one is ever turned away! We will look forward to seeing you during Sundays mass, and don't be late, service starts eight of clock sharp!" He told them, his eyes sparkled with joy, he has come to appreciate the witches of East Wick, they have earned a place in his heart.

Tears were present in Dora's eyes as she spoke, "Speaking on behalf of all the witches and myself included, we would all like to thank you for your acceptance, and look forward to Sundays mass. We do not know the ways of the church, but we are eager to learn of your GOD that performs miracles. Now if you all don't mind, I'm famished, and want to sit down and eat my dinner!" She said with a smile, and all the men in the room laughed whole heartily, and nodded in agreement.


Hawk looked down at the tiny bundle of joy that was cradled in his wife's arms, and his eyes glowed with love. Taking a deep inhalation of breath, Hawk leaned forward and pressed his full lips on Nessa's forehead. She looked up at him, and smiled, and Hawk could have sworn that he saw all the stars in the night sky in her eyes. His heart swelled with love for his wife, and his child. He held everything that he ever wanted in his life, in the hold of his arms.

"Nessa, would you marry me again in Saint Mary's cathedral?" He asked hopefully, holding his breath for her answer.

Nessa looked up at him, "We are already married Hawk, I take the handfasting ceremony very serious." She told him, wondering what brought this on.

"I know, but I want to be married to you in the eyes of God also. I have come to believe and love this GOD of yours, and want to do things the right way." He told her, hoping she agrees with him.

"I consider handfasting very proper, it is only within the last hundreds of years or so, that my family has adopted God into their lives, and although I believe that we are already married, I am willing to marry you all over again in the church." She told him, and Hawk was overwhelmed that she had agreed.

Leaning down, he kissed her again, and at that moment the babe decided that she was hungry, and cried out loud, startling both her parents. Hawk slowly lifted himself to his feet, carrying his family with him, and walked over to one of the many beds in the room, that had clean linens, and placed his wife and child on it.

"I think our baby daughter is hungry." He said, plumping the pillows against the wall, and pulling his wife in a sitting position so she could feed the babe.

"Do you think I have produced enough milk so soon to feed her?" Asked Nessa, she wasn't familiar with the needs and wants of little babes, and was anxious.

Hawk looked down at her, and raised an eye brow, "Oh you have milk all right, she'll be getting her dinner. I'm the one that will go hungry having to share you with her!" He laughed playfully.

Nessa placed the babe by her breasts, and the wee one latched on to her nipple, and suckled roughly, eagerly to satisfy her thirst. The Fay's eyes took in the sight of his wife and child, and the love that Hawk felt in his heart at this defining moment was like no other in all the land.

Kneeling down besides them, he watched as his baby daughter bonded with his soulmate, and tears formed in his eyes, he will build Nessa a castle and call her his queen, and his little princess will be the fairest in all the land, besides his wife that is.....

Questions to my fans!!!!!

It has been recently pointed out to me by a fan that I'm dragging the story and that I should bring it to an end. I'm going to let all of you decide, and the majority will win. Below I will give you your options, please choose one. I want everyone to participate in this, because it will be you who will be reading it.

1. Should I write a few more chapters, and have a wedding in a church, with all the witches present, for Hawk and Nessa. And I can create a love story between Lucious, Abby and Stephan? A short story which can continue into the next book?

2.Or should I finish this book right here right now, in the next chapter and start a new book.

The new book will start with Edward in America in the year 2014, and he will be searching for his soulmate, and of course I will add later on in the book Lanie's and the gentle warriors love story too, and I can slide Lucious and Stephan's and Abby's story in there two.

So all of you decide what you want, the majority will win.

As always thank you for all your support and love, I am humbled by your continued support, and all I can say is that I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!!!


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