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I feel, what seems to be like his fingers, tracing my bottom lip, before I feel a pair of lips connect with mine. My eyes crack open, just enough to see Jimin with his eyes closed, kissing me. I hum and close my eyes, kissing him back, before I pull away and take a breath.

I reopen my eyes to see Jimin smiling down at me. I avert my eyes and hide a smile, pressing a hand to my mouth.

"That was your first kiss, right?" I nod and blush. He chuckles. "Y/n, look at me, please," his voice lowers and he places his hand under my chin to lift my head up to look at him.

"How'd you like it?" He smirks and our eyes lock.

Honestly, even though I've never kissed anyone before, it felt good. It felt pleasuring. It felt magical.

I smile and lean back aginst the desk behind me. "It- it felt wonderful. Thank you for that Jimin," I say, gingerly touching my lips. His smirk transforms into a smile and he kisses my temple.

"I'm glad."

"You have such a big ego," I roll my eyes.

"Me? You should see Jin and Jungkook. Jungkook's is the worst." We smile at each for a few more seconds before I break the silence.

"Jimin, I'm hungry," I pout and look down, fiddling with ny fingers.

He laughs, his eyes turning into cute lines. "Your hungry? Well, then let's go to the cafeteria."


"Mhm. My treat," he slips the straps of his bag on and puts an arm around my shoulders, leading me away to the cafeteria. I lean into him greatfully.
"Here, open your mouth." Jimin scoops food onto the spoon and puts it in front of my mouth, in an attempt to feed me.

I roll my eyes at him.

"Jimin, you don't need to feed me. I can feed myself." I grab the spoon out of his hand and place it in my mouth instead.

"Ew, hyung! Stop acting lovey-dovey in front of us!" Jungkook groans and rolls his eyes. Taehyung chuckles beside him.

"Taehyung don't laugh. I bet you watch those romance movies on your laptop." Taehyung's eyes widen and he blushes, looking down.

"No, I have someone else to take care of," he mumbles so softly, even Jungkook has to lean over to hear him properly.

"Ooh, is it a girl?" I wiggle my eyebrows at him and take another bite of my food. Taehyung doesn't answer and just blushes even harder.

"Pfft, don't make me laugh, hyung! In highschool, didn't you used to be a playboy? Trying anything to get into a girl's pants?"

"Jungkook," Taehyung growls, sending him a deadly glare. If looks could kill, Jungkook would be dead by now. "Look, I've changed, okay?! Stop pushing it. That was the past." Taehyung looks down and continues eating his food.

We continue to eat in silence until the bell rings. I feel bad for Taehyung, though.

"Taehyung, give me your tray," I stick my hand out so he can place the tray on it.

"But I can do it myself." Taehyung glances down at his tray of food, then back up at me.

"Hurry up or else you'll be late." He sighs, finally giving in, and hands me his tray.

"Thanks, Noona!" He waves at me and I smile back, my hands full, at Taehyung, who's walking away to his next class with Jungkook.

"We have math next," Jimin says, following me as I throw the food away and place the trays down. He follows me to our math class, up until he takes a seat next to me.

The rest of the day goes by slowly, and when the bell rang, I sprang from my seat, only to get held back by Jimin, who grabs me by the wrist.

"Wait for me," he leaned down to whisper. I roll my eyes, which he must've seen, because he chuckles and takes even longer to pack up.

After finally closing the zipper to his black backpack, we find Jungkook and Taehyung, then wait by the gates for someone to pick us up. A black car pulls up to the curb, the same one from this morning, and since the boys start piling in, I follow after them, getting the front seat, next to Yoongi, who's driving.

"Did she do anything?" I raise my eyebrows at him after putting my seatbelt on. He looks over at me before taking off to the dorm.

"No, she didn't, Hyung," Jimin speaks up. Yoongi looks at him through the car's rearview mirror, narrowing his cat-like eyes. He turns to me.

"Your not lying again, right?"

"No, of course not. Why would I ever lie to you?"

Yoongi turns to look at me as he pulls up to a stop in front of the stoplight.

"You literally just did a few days ago, Y/n." He gives me a flat look.

"That's true Noona!" I turn to glare at Jungkook, who shrinks into his seat.

"Well, I didn't want you to worry. You already have enough to take care of. I don't want you to stress too much," I lower my voice to a whisper and lean my head against the glass.

"We'll continue this when we get back," he sighs and turns back to the road.

We ride the rest of the way in an awkward silence, not even Jungkook said anything. Yoongi turns into the building's driveway and parks the van. We all get out, slamming our doors close, and make our way to the dorm.

"Yoongi! That you?!" Jin calls from one of yhe rooms once we walk in.

"Yeah, Hyung! It's me!" Yoongi yells back as Jin steps into view.

"Oh, good. Your finally back. Grab your homeworks, we need to get to the studio to practice."

"I thought we were waiting to finish the song before we start doing choreography Hyung?" Taehyung asks, looking confused.

"Namjoon got back an hour ago and finished the music. Hobi and I listened to it and thought it was pretty good. And we talked to Manager-Nim; he said it was okay for us to start choreographing."

"Can we listen to it?" Jungkook's eyes go wide with excitement.

"Are we bringing Y/n with us?" Jimin cuts in, completely ignoring Jungkook and his question, and looks over at Jin and Yoongi.

"Of course we are," Yoongi scoffs. "What kind of question is that?"

"Okay then, Y/n. Just a heads up, the practice is going to be long and you might get bored easily."

I nod, feeling excited. I've only seen their practices through the videos that Yoongi has sent. Seeing them practice for real is going to be fun.



You guys I am so sorry I didn't update. I've been busy Christmas shopping.

By the way...

Merry Christmas everybody!🎄🎅🎁

Promise · A BTS JiminXReader Texting AU (Well, kind of)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें