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I'm still waiting for the right time on when to ask Jade if I could court her. Its been days since I asked Monique for her permission.

I just hope that she allows me to.

Speaking of which today is our game and Jade said that they'll be there on time before the game begins.


Today was the day of the game of Drew, Tristan, and David. I decided to just where a simple jersey and some sneakers. I didn't forget to bring my camera since I know that they would want pictures of their game.

By the time I was done, I went inside my dads room to tell my dad until I realized that he went on another surprise business trip. So I got my phone and my camera and I was on my way to call the others.

We used Giselle's car driven by her driver. She is richer than any of us which explains the fact that they have a small amount of chips and soda inside the car.

We reached the venue in about 30 minutes top and just like I told Tristan we'd be there before the game begins. We argued about whether to sit on the top of the bleachers or by the first row. Instead we just decided to take the first row on the bleachers to get a better view.

As soon as the game began, we saw the boys jogging towards the field wearing their spikes. We waved at them and they waved back. They were called by their coaches before the game began and like the usual the coach would give them some strategies.

Then the game began.

"C'mon!!!" Monique shouted as Drew had the ball and passed it on to David until one of the opponents stole it and headed the other way towards the other goal.

"Come on!!! I'm open!" Tristan shouted at David as he was waving his hands in the air.

The ball was passed on to Tristan and he gladly ran towards the goal and kicked the ball into the goal. It was a good thing that I got to picture the kick.

The score was tight but in the end East Ridge High won!

It was going to be seconds before the game ended and luckily one of their other team mates scored the goal thus becoming winners.

I looked at the pictures from the screen of the camera and nodded at how well I took the pictures despite the fact that I haven't used my camera for a while now.

I looked at the bunch of soccer players surrounding and congratulating East Ridge's High soccer team for winning so me and the girls decided to wait somewhere else for them.

We decided to go grab something in the canteen even though we don't really know where it is.

We asked some janitor where it was and they said that from the field we need to go down the stairs go right straight and then when we see two doors that's it.

We thanked him and followed his directions.


There weren't much people in the canteen just some of the soccer players from a different school.

We bought some bread, burgers, and water.

"They're good in playing," Perry said as she took a bite from her burger.

"Yup," Giselle said.

We just talked for the next few minutes about how there was this dude who was watching the game while drinking soda then accidentally spilled it on a girl in front of him.

While we were talking, I could see the soccer players from the other school looking at us. I glared at them and they took the message and looked away.

"Hey guys!" David said jogging towards the table we were in.

"Heeeeyyyy!!! Congrats!" Monique said as she threw imaginary confetti for them.

"Thanks," David said.

"Congrats," I told Tristan as we made our way towards the van.

If you were wondering why we won't be riding the car of Monique, its because Bob- the driver - had more errands to run for their family. We let him drive to where he has to go and said that we'll just ride with the boys.

"Thanks," he replied.

Once we reached the car, the boys talked about how hard it was for them to steal the ball from the opposing players. They had good defense and offense that's why they were hard to beat.

That was pretty much all we talked about then we all slept.


"Thanks," I told them as I made my way outside the vehicle.

The boys dropped us by the convenience store- where they always drop us- then left.

As much as I wanna go out I have to make my own errands which they clearly understood.

I needed to go to my mom.

She's gonna see her mom!!!

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