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Steven and I made our way to the Big Donut.

"Hi, Sadie!" Steven greeted and I smiled and waved at her.

"Hi, Steven. Hi, Y/n" Sadie greeted tiredly. 

"What would it be?" 

"Sorry to be a pain, but I got kind of a long order. I hope its not too much trouble" Steven said.

"What trouble?" Sadie let out a small chuckle

"I'm a professional doughnut girl"

Steven then told her the order. He had some money and credit cards so he would pay evenly.

"What's all this for?" Sadie asked.

"Band practice" Steven told her.

"You're in a band?!" 

"Kinda. I started jamming with Jenny, Buck and Sour Cream, I'm also taking Y/n with me to meet them" Steven explained.

"Oh yes, I'm kinda nervous to meet them, but Steven always talks about how amazing they are, so they seem nice" I said.

Steven then offered Sadie to come and stop by Sour Cream's place. She agreed to go if she had any free time to come.

"Hey guys" Steven greeted the Cool Kids.

"Hey Steven" They greeted him back.

I held the doughnut boxes and stood next to Steven.

I looked around and meet eyes with ice blue eyes.

I felt my cheeks turn flushed and my hands started to shake a bit as I looked away.

'My Stars, why do I feel like this? so helpless?' I thought. 

"Hey um, Steven. W- Who's your new friend?" He stuttered, his cheeks flushed little mines, causing me to smile.

"Everyone, meet Y/n Diamond. She's a good friend of mine" Steven introduced me.

"Nice to meet you guys in person, Steven has said so much kind thing about you guys" I smiled.

I was suddenly hugged for the side.

"Hi! I'm Jenny, it is so nice to have another girl here" She said as she let go of me and stated at me.

I wasn't too sure where to look so I looked at lips.

"Oh my gosh! Look at your hair it's so beautiful! Oh and soft" Jenny complimented as she touched my hair.

"Thank you" 

"You really do look beautiful" I heard Sour Cream mumbled.

I glanced over to him and pulled a stang of hair behind my ear.

"T-thank you" I smiled at him, my cheeks again flushed.   

Sour Cream began to play a beat when Buck came running to us. He told us how they have a gig at Delarva's number- two ad seafood festival this weekend.

Everyone besides me panicked because they were not prepared to play.

Evening came and there wasn't much progress. I sat n the arm of the chair Sour Cream was on, eating a doughnut.

"What if we went for a more rap-a-billy style?" S our Cream asked.

"No, thanks" Jenny rejected the idea.

"How about something like..." Steven strummed his guitar.

"Here we are our hearts combing. Music and friends, our souls aligning" He sang.

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