WEIRDNESS AFOOT! A Day in the Life of Dexter Seagrave! [Story No. 03]

Start from the beginning

Sinead has expressed frustration over Shan picking on me all the time, as well as suspecting that Shan has a crush on me which she probably will never admit to. That crush was all but confirmed by Kanesha, yet I don't take any stock in it. It's just a suspicion that most likely isn't true and Shan is just a horrible person who thinks being an asshole and being honest are the same. Full disclosure? Her idea of the truth is gossip and insults, which she foolishly believes will win people over. It boggles my mind how her and Sinead maintain a friendship, because Shan is truly the biggest devil to traipse around on this earth.

The only good thing I have noticed about Shan is how pretty her feet are. I mean, she's pretty attractive herself just to be honest, but her feet are out of this world. It's not a secret that I harbor a strong affinity for them, and I believe Shan uses this to her advantage sometimes. She knows that I watch her and Sinead shoeplaying in class, which I have often tried to hide, but have thus far sucked at doing. Admittedly though, I pay more attention to Shan's shoeplay than I do Sinead.

It has become obvious to me that, due to all of her time spent on the internet, Shan has watched a few shoeplay videos and taken notes. I say this because she does things with her toes to her shoes that no other girl in our class does, which seems very deliberate. She somehow knows what I like, but that may be the fault of Sinead there. I'm sure this subject has come up between them a lot.

And yeah, I know I just spent a great deal talking about feet and shoeplay, but I have a fondness for them both. When the subject comes up, I feel euphoric and in another world. As I'm not meaning for this to be all about feet, I'll try to keep that to a minimum.

Can't make any promises though.


As I stated not too long ago, Sinead and I are both insecure. She's often turned to me to boost her confidence, but it never works. I used to believe that it was hard for her to see what I see about her, but I now feel like it's more of the words just aren't coming from the right person. Had it been Shannon Newstead, she'd be foaming at the mouth from joy.

Fuck that guy though.

Like, on some real shit, I'd LOVE for the world (or at least what counts for us as the world) to know that we're together, but Sinead is very reluctant to be out in the open. We have so much in common, but none of that apparently matters to her. Not enough that she'd get over how everyone will feel about her "being with the guy who likes to sniff her shoes". Her words by the way! Like.........shiiiiiit.........just fuck me to the tenth power! I mean, could you lay it on any thicker?! I don't think I fuckin' felt that, Sinead!

Fuck! Nobody even fuckin' knows I smell your (pleasantly malodorous!) shoes! Ugh! Shit! What the fuck am I doing? I'm yelling like she can really hear me right now.

Just to reiterate, when we had that talk after school, expressing how we feel about each other, everything seemed so perfect. She was planting all those kisses on me and giggling, twirling her hair. Hell, she even said that my foot fondness was the key! Now, all of a sudden, it's a issue.

Don't get me wrong, I do love her feet, despite what I said about looking at Shan's more, but that's not all I love! Seriously, I love how her long and curly hair-which is naturally silver!-dances in the breeze on a windy day. And we have a lot of those here in Aves just to keep it a buck. I also love the way her vividly fuchsia eyes beam with an almost overwhelming joy when she's certain of the answer to one of the many Algebraic equations Mrs. Bludwart loads on the digi-board. Those pretty eyes of hers just take me away.

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