A duel with Ban..

Start bij het begin

"Ban! Are you allright?" The same blondy screamed as she flew towards us "Ban!" the other sins ,Gillthunder and the others followed her.
But before they could reach even a meter close to us Ban yelled at them. "No one will touch this guy! He's my guest!" He said as he charged towards me again.

"Not this time..Foxy!" I flashed and just in a moment dissapeared from my previous place. "What?" The Foxy was dumbfounded as he stood between the muddy air.
"Now take this!" I suddenly appeared from behind holding my sword and attacked on him. * Thump* I thought he's done for but this sound wasn't of something being cut.

Just as I thought,that Ban was allive.He stopped my sword attack with just his bare two hands. "Heh..Surprise..!" He insulted me again as he snatched my sword but before he could attack I hit his face mid air with my leg and the sword fell away from both of us.

I charged at him ,he charged at me and our hand-to-hand combat began.I don't wanna say this but he was Good. I kept continuously dodging him while punching and kicking him hard. He did the same too.
The sins were doing nothing but looking at me surprised and dumbfounded. They couldn't interfere because Ban said them not to. But come to think of it, right now I wasn't strong enough to handle them all either.
My body was weak,very weak than usual and I had my reasons for that.

Coming back to the duel.. The sun was about to set but I was busy in fight.I was really enjoying it but I didn't had much time so I tried to finish it by hitting Ban straight on his chest.."Argh!" He yelled as blood spit out from his mouth.

Well..His reaction wasn't at all delayed..He hit me hard on my chest and I realised how painfull it really feels.😑
"Argh!" This time I yelled as blood spit out from.my mouth. But something went strange..

The attacks coming on me continuously were all of a sudden stopped. As I looked up I saw Ban gazing at his fist with which he had hit me and then glaring seriously at me.. ".Don't tell me you are.. !" He was about to say something but I couldn't understand what.
"Heh..this is much more impressive than I thought." He said as he backed off and started going back to the sins.

"Ban!" That blondy came and hugged him "You are injured!" she said in a worried tone.
"I'm fine...Elaine don't worry." He replied hugging her back...So that blondy is called Elaine..Whatever .

I could barely stand up but I didn't showed it on my face. I didn't know what was that idiot trying to do...Was that some kind of stupid plan?
I saw Ban saying something to.the knights, he was surely making a plan..First he exhausted me and now he's sending the kinghts to kill me.. DAMN COWARD!!

I backed off fully alert as I went near the wall ready to jump. " Huh..? Catch her! She's escaping!" An idiot knight yelled as the others suddenly ran towards me except for the sins,Gilthunder,Howzer and Grimoire. (I knew them all..I gathered much information before coming here)

I adjusted my position as I thought they are going to attack. "Yahh!!!" They all yelled and instead of attacking those bugs jumped on me.. ALL OF THEM JUMPED ON ME!!
I was now.burried beneath approximately a ton weight!! Fatty knights..Argh!!
I could barely move but luck was on my side! MY SWORD! It was lying right in front of me..I stretched out my hand and held it tightly.

"You people..are now..GETTING ON MY NERVES!!" I went mad.. Really..I did went mad.. I felt a sudden aura running through my nerves as my sword started glowing a purple shade..
"AAarrrghhh!!!" I yelled as I formed a Huge wind swirl! And they were all caught into that..
"Ahhhh!!" Every single one of them yelled as they moved round and round into the air.

*gasp* *gasp* I spent every single drop.of my energy now...I couldn't keep it up for long and I knew that..
The wind wirl went slower and slower and finally stopped.But it was enough for all of them to black out.
I still showed no emotion on my face as I stood straight with head completely hidden in my hoddie..

"Just...Just what are you!!?" The serpent's sin of envy,Dianne asked me in a wavering tone but I was in no condition of answering.
"Tsk" Ban seemed more irritaed than them all "Just give it up already!" He yelled.
I simply smiled at them.as only my lips were visible.

"We must capture her before she gets away!" Gillthunder screamed as he charged towards me with his sword.
[Shit..I cannot dodge it now..I just can't move anymore.] I thought but I didn't let it get me worried.

"Ahhh...!!!Lightning thunder!!!" He yelled as he came running towards me with his long sword..
"This..Can't be my end.." I barely said to myself as I closed my eyes ready to face what was to come.. The wind was cold and I can feel the colder wind of Gillthunder coming towards me..

*Thump* A sound came as I felt the cold wind suddenly cut off..I felt a lot warmer..It was comforting.. I opened my eyes quickly as I saw a boy standing between me and Gilthunder.It seemed like he dropped from the sky..
His height was just an inch smaller than mine and his hair were yellow blonde.He stood there confidently with crossed arms like he knew that Gilthunder would never attack him.

But this was what exactly happened. Gilthunder stopped in an instant as he drew back his aura.
"That's enough for today Gil.." He said as he looked towards the other sins with bright smile on his face. "What's up you guys? Having fun?" He said.

"Captain!" "Meliodas?" "Captain you're back" "You're late." "Just where did you ran off to?" Everyone greeted him in a different way.
"Meliodas..Why did you stop me?" Gilthunder asked in a confused tone.

Meliodas smiled at him.as well and replied "There's no need of it..She's already at her limit." He turned towards me and simply pinched me on my forehead that was under the hoodie..
That pinch...I still remember that day a simple pinch balcked me out...It suck out all the remaining energy from me..

"Meliodas...." Was my last word before I fainted and fell on his shoulder.

The Seven Deadly sins... The Demon Lord's Daughter?Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu