𝐯𝐢𝐢. crush culture makes me wanna

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DENIKA AND HARRY SAT ON A ROCK BY THE GREAT LAKE. In the background, the water splashed against the shore—serving as a calming soundtrack to them. Denikas long hair blew in the wind, mixing with her robes. She could practically see the stress and confusion written in bold comic sans across Harry's face. Her heart ached for him.

The early-morning sun shone bright above them, illuminating the (for once) clear water in front. Every so often there would be a ripple on the surface. Denika wished it wasn't so cold—she was craving a swim.

In this lull in conversation, she allowed her mind to wander momentarily to a summer years before Hogwarts. A summer in which her sister didn't go out to friends every night possible to avoid the family. A summer in which the Winchesters took a trip across the continent: nothing but beaches for two weeks straight. Sand, sweat and mango smoothies—all day, everyday.

A younger version of her sister drifted into her mind; dark hair saturated, stuck to her forehead. But, that's not what stuck out in Denikas memory. Nor was it the line of sunburn that'd been in the early stages of forming across her nose. No, it was the happy and careless grin she wore as a wave smacked her across the face. You rarely saw Seline with anything but a scowl on her face nowadays.

Denika suppressed a sigh, she knew she'd never get those days back. Trying to ignore the sadness that thought brought, she turned her attention to the view her and Harry faced.

Hogwarts truly was beautiful. The scenery and features of the grounds held were breathtaking. Like, the forbidden forest looked so fucking pretty from a distance. The bright green trees swayed in the distance, making it look like the forest itself was alive. The green hills that rolled in the distance, behind the school, were stunning. Squinting, she noticed some sort of creature frolicking along in one of those distant hills. Living here made Denika sure that she wanted to live somewhere with a pretty view. Like, she'll be forever depressed if she ends up living in some boring suburb where the only view is a congested highway in the distance.

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