A Day In My Life: School Edition

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6:30am. That's the time my alarm clock goes off in the morning to let me know that another dreadful day at school awaits me. I hate my school, but not for the reasons you might think. Like, I don't get bullied or anything. I'd like to think people in my school know better than to try and bully me, they're not that dumb. Anyways, back to the topic. I wake up and turn off my alarm. I then proceed to lie in bed for a few more minutes thinking about why in the world must I do this everyday? What's the purpose? It's not like I'm learning anything life changing at school anyways, my school can't afford that type of education. I think about whether or not I should ask my mom if I can stay home for the day. I decide against it because I already know the answer is no. I then try to motivate myself to get out of bed. I try to think about the good things that might await me at school. As usual, I can't think of anything. My motivation for the past years were my friends but I'm barely maintaining the friendships I have. In all honesty, I could care less about the "friendships" I have right now. I feel like they stopped caring a long time ago so now it's my turn to stop caring. I've tried to hold on to these people for so long and now I'm just exhausted. At this point, if you wanna leave just leave. I'm not gonna try to fight your decision or even question it. If you wanna leave go ahead, it was fun while it lasted. The only thing that gets me out of bed is knowing that I have no other choice and if I don't get up soon my mom is gonna yell at me. I reluctantly roll out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. I then proceed to brush my teeth and wash my face at an attempt to wake myself up, and as you guessed... it doesn't work. I grab my uniform from my closet and put it on and grab whatever sneakers I'm wearing for the day. After all of this is done, I attempt to do my hair and get it to look decent. I barely accomplish this task. After everything is done, I can finally relax and listen to some music or watch my shows. My day is made 100x worse due to the fact that I don't have any earphones so I have no distraction and I have to immerse myself into the world around, when I'd much rather be in my own world listening to my music. After about 10-30 minutes of me enjoying my alone time, it's time for me to go out and face the harsh reality that is my life. I walk to the bus stop and wait for the bus to arrive, and when it finally does I need to decide whether I squeeze onto this bus or wait 5-10 minutes for the next one. For the sake of this piece, I'll squeeze on the bus. I need to take off my backpack and squeeze past the stubborn people that occupy New York City's public transportation. Like they will really stand there and not move in any way, shape, or form so being polite is just not an option. If I want to ride this bus I need to push and shove my way past people that are bigger than me, little kids, grown men that may or may not be pedophiles, and old women that will literally grill you for trying to sit in the seat beside them. After a torturous 10 minutes on my first bus, I transfer to the second bus which is usually more chill. It's not too hard to fit onto this bus on usual days so I just walk right on, that is unless a crackhead or extra loud and ghetto individual has decided to get on the bus and ruin my morning by yelling at the top of their lungs about literal nonsense or arguing with themselves. Arguing with themselves? Yes, arguing with themselves. When I say this, I mean that this person got into an argument with someone before they got on the bus and now they're continuing to argue on the bus. The only difference is that... the person they were arguing with isn't on the bus. In my experience, the best thing to do in this situation would be to just ignore them and avert your eyes so you don't get caught staring at them. If you get caught staring at them... well that's a whole other conversation. So, I get off the second bus and go to the store and get my snacks and breakfast for the day if I have money and start my walk to the prison that awaits me. My usual sentence is a bit over 8 hours so wish me luck. I make it to my homeroom classroom and soak in the stares from the teachers, my principal, and the freshman in my school. I go to my classroom and grab my school-assigned chromebook before sitting in my seat. Before I eat my breakfast, I find something to watch on my phone since my school blocked Netflix, Hulu, etc. Once I find a good show or movie to watch, I start eating my breakfast and that's when my peers begin to arrive. I utter a small hi of some sort, often a silent gesture because I really don't like the kids in my school either, most of them are just fake. After homeroom is over, I go through my classes as normal. Nothing too exciting. Then, here comes lunch. I love lunch but I also hate it. Lunch for me is just a reminder of how much I've drifted away from people I used to be super close with and now my mood is ruined once again so I go on my phone for the rest of lunch or I might sleep. Now all I need to do is make it through the last 2 classes and then I'm home free. Everything's fine until I get to my AP Lang class where I tend to bump heads with my teacher a lot. We just always tend to have different views on topics and that causes us to get into debates. But since he's the one with power in this equation, he can yell at me as much as he wants with the expectation of me staying silent. However, that just doesn't work for me. I'm not going to allow this bald-headed, pop-eyed ogre to yell at me and try to tell me I'm wrong and make me feel dumb. That's not what's going to happen. So that results in him trying to talk to me after class and getting the head of the AP department to talk to me and try to get me to take the class more seriously or whatever. Finally, irritated and upset, I go upstairs to get my things and wait to be dismissed. When we are finally dismissed, I'm one of the first people to get out of the school and I'm on my way home. I'm left to deal with the bus situation again and I'm finally home. Did I mention that I barely have any friendships left so now I'm stuck walking home all alone, with no earphones. Literal torture. Anyways, I'm finally home and now I do my homework, eat, watch movies or listen to music on my phone, take a shower, and fall asleep to start it all over in the morning.

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