I stopped at Starbucks before walking into the building. It was packed as usual but I had some time to spare. 

"Funny seeing you here." I turned to see Nate with a goofy smile on his face. He and Mercer shared that same goofy smile. I swear, they're meant for each other. But, hey! I'm not cupid.

"Well, I don't find it too humorous." I was still pretty pissed about the stunt he pulled at his event. He shouldn't have been an ass to me because of Mercer. I'm not her keeper and I will definitely not drag her to his stupid events.  

"Oh come on, don't tell me you're still mad about the event?" He asked, and I gave him a poisonous glare. "Okay, I'm sorry."  I didn't look at him. I kept my head straight, waiting for the stupid barista to call my name. "Audra...I really am sorry. I just- Here, let me make it up to you. There's this new club all the SoCal celebrities are obsessed with. I can get you V.I.P tickets to their upcoming event. That is, if you are willing to forgive me?" He said, and I rolled my eyes. I see celebrities almost all the time. 

"Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, Chris Brown, August Alsina, Trey Songz, Nicki Minaj, and the list goes on..." He trailed off and I couldn't lie that he had my interest piqued. Justin Bieber, Trey, and August Alsina? That's a once in a lifetime opportunity! But, I didn't budge. 

"Oh, and I heard that new, hot mllion dollar play man, Sky Vega is going to be there." He said, and my heart clenched. I love Sky Vega. Sky Vega is everything. He's a model, actor, dancer, singer, and my future husband. 

"Okay, fine. You have yourself a deal." I said with a tight smile. Nathan grinned. 

"I knew you couldn't resist. How's Mercer?" 

I veered down, not wanting to look him in the eyes. I pretended to be on my phone. "She-she's okay. Ya'know she's Mercer." 

"Audra!" The barista finally saved me and I rushed to the counter, eager to hightail out of the establishment. I gave Nate a quick wave before rushing out of the cafe. I rushed down the street to my job, not looking up from my phone. As I entered the doors, Zane was leaving. I raised a curious eyebrow. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked, and he smiled. 

"Not even a hello?" He smirked, and I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but smile. 

"Hello, now-" Before I could finish my sentence, I was bumped and my phone flew out of my hands to the floor. Most of my grip had been focused on the Starbucks cups so, the force exerted from the push completely shattered my iPhone. Shocked, I awkwardly knelt down to pick it up without dropping the cups. I pressed the power button, wanting to cry when it wouldn't even power on. Parts of the screen were missing. "Shit." I muttered. 

"Woah, are you all right?" Zane asked, but I hadn't quite looked up at him. I was too focused on my dead cellphone. Annoyed, I looked up at Zane. 

"I'm fine, but my phone's on life support. I just- I'll see you later. Call me." I looked at my phone. "Actually, don't call me." He smiled at my words. 

"Here, email me." He handed me a business card. I took it, rushing off to the elevator. This day was already off to a very beautiful start. 

Three starbucks drinks and a muffin later, the meeting he had been stressing was over and I had tons of other work to do. I was staying over time to work. It was about nine, and I was still looming over my desk. No one ever said being a Personal Assistant was easy. 

A knock on the door caused me to look up. Adam was leaning against the door in a manner I'd never seen. He looked almost easy going. It was a trait I wouldn't put in his character box. He was dressed in an all black suit, with a platinum colored tie. He smiled at me. Lord Jesus. 

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