Next day

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Leah's pov

I shuffle along, hoping no one notices me.

"Oh. My. God."I hear Sophie say.

Shit. I turn around to face her. "What. Are you wearing girl."she signals to my plain T-shirt tucked into my black jeans.

I fix my glasses. "Um, it-its nothing really, I just wanted to be more...comfortable"I say quietly.

"You look, oh my god you look like 9th grade you!"she laughs.

"It doesn't mean anything, I'm still me"I shrug.

She chuckles.

"Come on girl, let's just go, already bad enough to be seen with in egirl"she chuckles, gripping my hand sensually and walking me into Mr. James' class.

"Buenos dias clase"Mr. James speaks as we enter the room.

He smiles once he sees me.

"Leah, te ves apuesto!"he says.

"Gracias"I blush as we walk back towards our table.

"What did he say?"Sophie asks.

"Oh, u-um, nothing"I slightly chuckle.

We sit down and begin our daily routine, admiring Mr. James. He wore a short sleeved button up, dark blue, with a bow tie, dark red. We girls especially loved Wednesdays, when we could fully admire Mr. James' beautiful tattooed arms. Sometimes we'd just tune out his speaking and get lost in the maze of tattoos.

"And that, my beautiful students, is the difference between hispanic and latino, it probably didn't make since at first but it does now hm?"he asks.

"Yes Mr. James"the class responds. 

"Leah, Katie, Sarah! If you can tell me anything i just said i will pass you for the semestar"he says interlocking his fingers. 

We all sit up simaltaneously and say dazily,"What?"

The whole class begins to laugh as Mr. James frowns and shakes his head.

"What can i do for you ladies to make this class more intriging hm? Is there something distracting you? Is it my tattoos? I will gladly cover them"he says.

"Oh, no sir, you dont have to, we'll pay more attention i swear"Katie says.

He shakes his head as the bell rings. He speaks as the class begins to exit.

"Now please, some of you really need the grades yeah, turn in the bloody homework"he says as he sits down.

The girls and i get up and leave, and i almost made it out of the room before he called for me. 

"Leah, here please"he points in front of his desk.

I huff as i walk over to him, pushing my glasses more onto my nose.


He glances up at me before returning to writing on his paper.

"I like that outfit"he says.

"T-thanks"i blush.

He nods as he stands.

"I'd like you to stay after school again today, for tutorilas, the other girls are just as blank but at least they've turned in some work"he hands me a hall pass.

"Oooh, well, the thing about that is, i've gotta do this thing with my parents and like, you know how that goes so"i chuckle.

"Ah yes, see i've called your parents"


"Although they didn't seem to worried about your well being, they said that you could stay so, i'll see you ar 3:30"he smiles.

"Don't you have a girlfriend or something that you'd like to be home with by 3:30?"i ask folding my arms.

"Fiance, and I'm sure she'll understand that im here to help my students, even if they don't want it"he shrugs.

"Oooo, fiance, i didn't know you were the marrying type"i say.

"I didn't either"he responds, making me chuckle.

"So she's making an honest man out of you?"i say as he walks me out of the classroom.

"I don't ever think i'll be an honest man, Leah"he chuckles.

I shrug.

"Your business"

"See you this evening"he says closing the door.

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