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"Me, (F/n) and Marco would be having our own rooms. Ace and Luffy would share, as well as Kid and Law. And we all know that Sabo and Koala are gonna be in the same room." Thatch concluded as he took your bag upstairs to put it in your room.

"What?!" Much to your surprise, both Kid and Law in protested in unison.

"There's no way in hell I'm sharing a room with this creepy med student!"

"I wouldn't share a room with this shitty mechanical enthusiast either!"

Marco sighed, gesturing Thatch to go place down luggage and that he'll handle this. "Look here-yoi. All of us has our own rooms here. (F/n) is gonna stay in her room because she's a girl. Sabo and Koala are gonna stay in Sabo's room because they are dating. Both me and Thatch have our own respective rooms and we prefer to be on our own because we are adults. Because there are two rooms left, Ace and Luffy are gonna be sleeping in Ace's room because you and Law would have to sleep in Luffy's room." Marco finishes.

"All clear?" He asks one more time.

"Is there really no way?" Kid asks Marco one more time.

He really doesn't wanna share a room with Law.

"Well, there's the couch but you may catch--"

"That's fine. I'll just sleep on the couch." Kid says quickly.

"But you might catch a cold." You say to Kid, He could clearly sense concern in your voice. "It's alright, I'm sure I'd be fine." You didn't notice but Kid could certainly notice that everyone present in the room was looking at you both.

"Well then, I'll still leave your bags in Luffy's room. Even though you don't use the bed, you could use the bathroom and stuff." Kid only nods at Thatch, who made his way back downstairs to join the group.

Koala and Sabo already went upstairs to Sabo's room, Luffy fell asleep on the couch along with Ace. Marco and Thatch joining in shortly. You sat next to Kid, Law was sitting separately on and armchair, now bursting his eardrums with music.

"But, still... I can't help but worry a bit." You insisted a little.

Both Marco and Thatch exchanged glances before placing a hand on your shoulder. "Kid said so himself. If he wants it, it's best to let him be, yeah?" Marco reassured you.

You glanced at Kid's direction, he nodded as if agreeing with Marco. "Okay, if y'all say so." You had a weird feeling if worry pooling in your gut but you chose to trust Kid, Marco and Thatch on this.

I still don't get this feeling that's bubbling in my chest.

You exited your room after unpacking, only to come face to face with Kid, you forgot for a while that Luffy's room is right in front of yours.

"Hey Kid. How's it going with Law?" By now you knew Kid's hatred for Law was legit and you were in the mood to mess with him a bit. "Ugh, don't even start on it."

You giggled. "By the way," you glanced back as well, making sure to make eye contact with Law too. "My name is (L/n) (F/n). We haven't been properly introduced, yeah?"

"Yeah, I'm Eustass Kid but, you already know that." Kid shrugged.

"Trafalgar Law," The sexy med student made his way out of the room and shook your hand. He gave you a lopsided smirk which made you blush a bit. "Pleased to meet you (F/n)-ya."

"Pleased to meet you too, Law."

Kid cleared his throat a bit, making Law glare at him and you glancing curiously at him. "Yes, Kid?" You ask as politely as you could, but before he could answer, Law interrupted.

"Normally people wouldn't think he's an adult with a name like that." He says with a sadistic smile etching on his face.

"Oh really now, Trafalgar? People would think that you would be the type to actually follow the law with a name like yours." Kid's smirk turned to a deadly grin as he took a step forward into Law's personal space.

"Wait, you broke the law?" You asked them in curiousity.

"Once, both of them got into a very heated argument and it ended up solving it with their fists." Ace chimed as he emerged from his room with Luffy. "Yeah! And it was at your 18th birthday party too, (F/n)! Even the cops came!"


Confusion showed on your face as you looked at Luffy's face. "Uhm... No! It was at a guys night out! Luffy you big idiot!" Ace glared at Luffy, sweat beads beginning to form on their foreheads. "Yeah, it was at a guys night out if I remember correctly." Law said calmly.

What's that all about?

You decided not to be too suspicious about it and let it slide. "Where's Thatch? I want some pancakes! I haven't eaten since morning!" You really were feeling hungry.

"Oh he's in the kitchen making all of us lunch." Ace answered, making you pout. "Yes yes, I'm sure he'll make pancakes if you want." Ace smiled at you.

"Yes!!!" You giggled excitedly as you waved at your brothers and your new friends, your eyes lingered a bit more on Kid tho. Ace noticed this along with Law.

"See ya guys at the dinner table."

You made your way into the kitchen and discreetly tiptoed towards Thatch before hugging him tightly from behind. "Thaaaatch~ I want pancakes." You pouted as you hanged from his side.

"Yeah yeah, I already figured you'd want them instead of lunch. I have started on the batter don't worry." Thatch kissed your forehead and you smiled up at him before taking a seat at the table.

"Thatch, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure."

"Did I ever meet Kid and Law before? I have a strong feeling that I've definitely met them before."

"I don't know about that but they went to the same high school as you. Both Law and Kid were your seniors I presume."

A small 'O' was formed on your lips as you processed the information. "That explains why I have a feeling that I saw them before." You hummed thoughtfully. "(F/n), do you... Do you feel something?"

"Hmm? Feel what?" You frowned a bit.

Feel...? Something?

Your thoughts were once again interrupted by an excited Sabo and Koala entering the kitchen, followed by Marco, Kid and the others.

"Guess what? There's a lake near by our place and we could set up a camp there for tonight. We could stay the night there too. Just for tonight." Sabo said with a huge beaming smile on his face.

"And the next day, we could go for a swim! There's a waterfall right behind the valley. It's only a 10 minute hike!"



"WOAH! Calm down (F/n)! I was planning to say yes anyway." Thatch smiled at you.



"NOBODY IS PUSHING ANYBODY OFF THE WATERFALL!" Marco scolded both Ace and Luffy as they snickered around whispering to each other that they totally will.

"You like swimming, Kid?!" You asked him excitedly as you looked up at him with sparkling eyes. "Hmm. I don't hate it." He lowered himself to your level and brushed his lips next to your ear. When he separated, you saw that bad boy smirk form on his face, causing you to grin at him as well.

Well hello there, sexy.

𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 • Eustass Kid X Reader Where stories live. Discover now