Five minutes later Ichigo was sitting in a chair in front of me fully dressed. She was eating breakfast as I brushed her long hair.

        "So, who's coming over?" Eiji asked from his seat on the floor. I shrugged. "Just some guys from school."

"Oooo!"They both chorused. I smiled. "They're just friends, we're in the same club and we're going to go to Haruhi's house. You remember Haruhi, I told you about her the other day." I explained as I finished brushing Ichigo's curly hair. "And, they should be here soon, so I expect you to be on your best behaviors while they're here." I said sternly. As fate would have it, just as Ichigo set her plate in the sink someone knocked on the door. I grinned and stood up, running to the door. Ichigo and Eiji jumped up as well, following me to the door. I opened it to see Tamaki, the others still in the limo behind him. "Hey Tamaki-kun." I said. Tamaki smiled and my siblings pushed past me, wanting to meet the blond haired idiot. "And who might you be?" He asked as he bent over so he was eye level with Eiji. "These are my siblings, Eiji and Ichigo." I said as I stood up, brushing the dirt off of my jeans. "Well aren't they just adorable! Hi little ones, my name is Tamaki!" He said excitedly. Eiji bowed and Ichigo pouted. "I'm not little!" She exclaimed with a huff. Tamaki laughed and I sighed. "Of course your not Ichigo. Now, Eiji, you know my phone number right? Just call if you need anything." I said as I ruffled his hair. He smiled and nodded. "Hai Nii-san!" I smiled and began to walk out the door, pushing Tamaki out of my way. "Take care of your sister!" I called over my shoulder as I clambered into the limo. "Hey guys." I greeted as Tamaki slid in and the limo smoothly drove down my small street. I got a few waves, followed by an enthusiastic greeting by Honey. "So, did you guys know Yuki had siblings?" Tamaki asked as if it were impossible. "No." The twins said, looking at me suspiciously. I shrugged. "It never came up."

"They're the most adorable things! One boy and one girl. There precious, small and cute, and they look just like Yuki!" He exclaimed. I sighed as the twins got a mischievous look in their eyes. "We should meet them some time." "Yeah, they sound cool." The twins said. "Absolutely not. I don't want you corrupting them." I said bluntly. "You know," Tamaki said, putting a finger to his chin," your house is rather small Yuki. I expected it to be bigger, considering you go to Ouran with a fully paid tuition." I smiled while shrugging. "Sorry to disappoint." I wasn't going to tell them just yet, I need a little more time. "So, Haruhi does know we're coming over, right?" I asked as I looked at my companions. The twins smiled and shook their heads. "Nope." Takashi said simply. I turned my head to him, noticing that we, and Honey, were the only ones on this seat. Me and Takashi were right next to each other, causing a blush to rise to my cheeks. "What's wrong Yuki?" "Yeah, your face is red." The twins said with an evil glint in their eyes. "I'm fine guys jee-" I was cut off by Takashi grabbing my chin gently and pulling my face toward him. Thus causing my face to turn even redder. He put his other hand to my forehead, checking to see if I ran a fever. I pulled away in shock. "I-I'm fine Takashi. Don't w-worry." I said, butterflies filling my stomach. I saw the other boys, except Honey and Takashi, smirking at me. I turned to the window and muttered things about hating the twins, hoping my blush would go down soon.


"Alright men! If Haruhi asks we were just in the neighborhood and decided to drop by. We will do absolutely nothing to make Haruhi or her father uncomfortable, and the words shabby and run-down are completely forbidden!" The others nodded while I sighed and shook my head. 'Your all idiots." I muttered quietly. People were gathered around asking why such a fancy car was in their little neighborhood and things like that. The Host Club must get attention wherever they go. Soon, Haruhi walked up, anger clear on her face. "What are you doing here senpai!?" She asked with venom in her tone. "Oh Haruhi! We were just in the neighborhood when-" "Save it! What are you really doing here?" She asked as she walked closer. An old woman then appeared in front of Haruhi asking if we were a gang or something. "No Land Lady, there jus-" Tamaki stepped in and charmed the old women, cutting Haruhi off. Soon, the women walked away blushing saying she was going to bring us snacks. "We just want to see your apartment Haruhi!" The twins whined in unison. She sighed. "Fine." We followed her up the steps and toward her apartment. She pulled out her keys with a very annoyed face. "Okay, you guys get three seconds and that's it." She said. Honey ran up and held up a box. "Haru-chan look! I brought cake for us to all share!" He said excitedly. She sighed. "Fine." She opened the door, walked in and took off her sneakers. I followed in after her, I'd been to her house many times before. I walked into her kitchen as Haruhi told the boys to take off their shoes and led them into the sitting room. "I'll make some tea." Haruhi said. "Wait Haruhi, I brought this African tea my mother gave us. Do you think you could make that? It's milk based." Haruhi sighed, took the tea and walked into the kitchen. "Did I remember to buy milk?" She said quietly. "Yeah, you bought it when I went with you." I said as I brought her teapot out. We finished the tea soon, and just as we finished Kaoru shouted out, "Wait! Haruhi I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ask so much!"

"We're already done baka." I said while helping Haruhi set the tea on the table. "Sorry the cups don't all match." Haruhi said as she sat next to Honey. I sat next to Takashi, blushing as I did. "Okay! Haru-chan, you and Yuka-chan can pick first!" Honey said, opening the box to reveal extravagant cakes, both in chocolate and strawberry. "I guess I'll have the strawberry." Haruhi said timidly. "I'll have strawberry too, thanks Honey-senpai!" He giggled and handed everybody their cakes. I was about to take my first bite when someone placed a strawberry on my plate. I looked up and saw Takashi. He grinned a bit. "You like strawberries right? You can have mine." He said. I smiled with a giggle. "Thanks Takashi!"

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