Unexpected Conversations

Start from the beginning

"It's me." Y/N said cooly as he got up close to Neptune. "This dude giving you some problems Miss Schnee?"

Weiss just looked shocked until she smiled and nodded to Y/N as he grinned. He allowed the electric dust inside of him to take control for a bit as it began to spark out of control.

"W-W-Wait hold on man!" Neptune tried to explain as Y/N kept increasing the pressure on his shoulder. He began to sweat as he felt the crackling of electricity against his skin.

"Only one person insults Weiss and that's me." Y/N narrowed his eyes. "I'll give you five seconds to get out of here before I turn you into a pile of ash. Now go!"

"Okay okay!" Neptune cried out as he ran away. Everyone just watched as Y/N clapped his hands together and chuckled.

"All in a days work." Y/N turned to the rest of his friends. "So what was that about doilies?"

"I'm incredibly turned on." Yang muttered as Weiss just shook her head in annoyance.

"I'd call up you a knight in shining armor, but what was that part about you being the only person to insult me?" Weiss tapped her foot impatiently. "You're supposed to bolster me, not bring me down."

"Yes, but what kind of life would I live if I didn't have you to insult me back? You're literally the ice to my fire. We're a perfect match." Y/N chuckled as Weiss blushed before he turned to Sun. Sun bro hugged him before they both grinned. "What brings you around here?"

"Ah, just figured I'd check up on everything." Sun put his hands behind his head. "Scarlet is getting our suits ready for tonight so we're not meeting up till later. Figured I'd come and scope out the show...maybe even find your sister?"

"You got a thing for Blake?" Y/N cocked an eyebrow as Sum sweat dropped.

"I...uh...don't really know how to answer that."

"Don't worry about it man." Y/N patted his shoulder. He flashed him a grin and a thumbs up as Sun looked confused. "You have my support and permission."

"Aw hell yeah!" Sun cheered as he bro hugged Y/N again. "Thanks man, I'm really hoping to get on her good side. I really like her, but I'm just not sure if I'm getting through to her ya know?"

"Ah don't worry about it, I'm sure you'll break through her shell eventually. Just don't give up on her and she'll eventually see how awesome you are." Y/N said to Sun as he felt his resolve steel itself.

"Yeah...yeah you're right! I'm gonna go ask her to the dance now!"

Sun gave Y/N a fist bump and sprinted off to go find Blake as Weiss and Yang both looked a bit concerned.

"Uh...Y/N?" Yang spoke up. "You are aware of Blake's...feelings, right?"

"Yeah what about em?" Y/N asked as Weiss and Yang looked at each other and then back at Y/N.

"Well I had heard that romance between family members wasn't unheard of on Menagerie...I suppose we figured you and Blake were going to end up with each other." Weiss explained before sighing. "That and Coco said something along the lines of your harem not being complete without the sister role being taken."

"Look I'm gonna be real with you guys..." Y/N rubbed the back of his head. "I'm not sure how I feel about Blake. Yeah the stuff about sibling romance and harems on Menagerie is true, but it's never been on my mind. Blake has felt this way for a long time since we were kids and I only know that because our mom tried to play matchmaker with us about a hundred times before realizing I had my heart set on someone else. I'm sure all of you have heard about Sienna Khan by now and she was...she was one of the most important people in my life. I never took the time to see Blake that way so I never really had the same feelings as her. I just...I think it would be easier for her if she falls in love with someone that's not me."

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